Monday, February 09, 2009

Think our farmers will produce food for free?....

Why not?

Where's there sense of patriotic duty?

Bullets maybe?  That will straighten them out and make them see the light.

Think it can't happen around here?

How about this? Anti Obamama site, Obama truth  Blocked?

Bags on his old lady. Can't reach it for now. Are they coming for us?

Nah, too much kool aid. Getting interesting though.

Here's some farmers that have had enough.
China Confidential: Greek Riot Police Fire Tear Gas at Farmers

Riot police fired tear gas at farmers from the island of Crete Monday to stop them from driving their tractors from the Greek port of Piraeus to Athens to protest low prices for their products and demand financial help. The incident was the latest twist in nearly two weeks of protests by Greek farmers, who had used their tractors to block border crossings and highways across the country for days.

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