You have to read the whole article, but basically we are talking nepotism. Starting with Kennedy all the way through with Jessie Jr. You'll be hearing a lot about Jr. Everyone is so surprised and shocked he would have OB's seat sold to him by the Gov of Illinois. Shocked!!!
The American Spectator : The Tainting of the President-Elect
The Tainting of the President-Elect
By Jeffrey Lord on 12.10.08 @ 1:05PM
Wait a minute.
"I had no contact with the governor what...."
That's the money quote from President-elect Obama in his first comment on the arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich for trying to sell Obama's Senate seat. What was that "what" about to become before Obama stopped himself in mid-sentence in front of the cameras as Al Gore and Joe Biden sat by, stonefaced? The word "whatsoever" perhaps? In which case, did the new president stop himself because he knew that to say "no contact whatsoever" was something that would be provably untrue? According to a now hastily retracted statement by aide David Axelrod, the president-elect had indeed "talked to the governor" about the vacancy.
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