No nation ever succeeded by giving it's manufacturing base away and depended on"free trade" partners like China to sell them everything for paper promises and debt obligations. Eventually the creditors have to collect or go out of business themselves.
This form of paternalism has become pervasive in America, that everyone owes us every thing we need because our consumers will buy anything if told to. We've been sold a load of horse shit that the world is full of well intentioned and prosperous trading partners if only we would give them control of a large part of our economy.
This came about I believe, because the Clinton gang made a deal with the Red's in China for special trade rights for "campaign contributions". They weren't the only ones of course selling us out as it started with the Bush gang the administration before. They just made it "bi-partisan".
However, the current crisis is only the beginning of the bust. Over the next 10 years or so borrowed money from foreigners will be calling the shots. Do what your told or we sell our treasuries and buy gold. You nitwits starve in the dark. And since my generation will be all on government checks the gang in Washington will have little option. We vote. No politician can cut my check directly. You touch my check you have to get a real job. Not much they can do except war on someone.
Fucked rings a bell. Changes in Washington are a coming. And I don't mean OMygodBama and his Clinton gang retreads We can only hope for public hangings in our life times. Make great TV.
Read this guy's take and see what you think:
This form of paternalism has become pervasive in America, that everyone owes us every thing we need because our consumers will buy anything if told to. We've been sold a load of horse shit that the world is full of well intentioned and prosperous trading partners if only we would give them control of a large part of our economy.
This came about I believe, because the Clinton gang made a deal with the Red's in China for special trade rights for "campaign contributions". They weren't the only ones of course selling us out as it started with the Bush gang the administration before. They just made it "bi-partisan".
However, the current crisis is only the beginning of the bust. Over the next 10 years or so borrowed money from foreigners will be calling the shots. Do what your told or we sell our treasuries and buy gold. You nitwits starve in the dark. And since my generation will be all on government checks the gang in Washington will have little option. We vote. No politician can cut my check directly. You touch my check you have to get a real job. Not much they can do except war on someone.
Fucked rings a bell. Changes in Washington are a coming. And I don't mean OMygodBama and his Clinton gang retreads We can only hope for public hangings in our life times. Make great TV.
Read this guy's take and see what you think:
The G-20 leaders in Washington last week made a lot of noise about ramping up domestic spending. In the decades to come, this will not happen without import replacement -- which is just what it sounds like: instead of importing things you need, you make them at home, and people get paid a living wage to do it. Import replacement, by the way, is exactly how the United States rose in the 19th century to become the world's preeminent manufacturing nation. It doesn't foreclose trade with other countries, but it self-evidently changes the terms of that trade, and it would spell the end of the kind of predatory "globalism" that has led to the current state of gross imbalance and reckless destruction.
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