Why should anyone be surprised, let alone amazed, on how this stuff doesn't get reported. In the name of profit we are spied on constantly and no one seems to be aware of it. That's what is driving the new economy called, Tracking . From the time we get up until we go to bed. Nonstop nanny ism. But when the government gets involved it becomes a danger to society. Remember the government makes the rules. Po' folk don't. Soon a new National i.d. card comes out. Rumored to be "chipped" for ease of identifying "problems". Better not screw up. Even credit information is now used against people applying for housing, insurance, or jobs.
Hmm...will government employees be exempt ?
Found this posted on Slashdot today (not a typical paranoid rant) :
The sad state of affairs is that Big Brother probably became a quiet part of our lives a lot earlier. The big question now is: how much worse can it get?Am I just accustomed to old ways? Does the new generation, born with these restrictions, feel the weight of these bonds and recoil from my fears as paranoia? What can I, a person with no political interests--a person that would really rather think that the people in office are there because they're looking out for us, our rights, and our freedoms and not because their short-sightedness is creating a police state--do to stem the tide?"
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