I'm a capitalist. Small "c" . I believe everyone on the planet should be. I don't think anyone should have to spend their lives "grubbing" for a living working for nothing but food and shelter. However, that being said, now days more and more of us are doing just that. Our very lives are dominated by multinational and national corporations that suck the life blood out of us and create a class of serfs. Well fed,fat,dumb and happy maybe,but slaves. This is Christmas week end. Been to mall lately? Let me make my point. For the corporations it's spend until you bust. You suck if you don't buy everyone you have ever known something for the holiday. Crass consumerism is what I'm talking about. If we don't consume,
the media,(some of the largest corporations on the planet) climbs on our backs and declares us unAmerican or "Scrooges." It's all about greed and catering to it. And God help anyone who would have the temerity to disagree. (It's death to the infidel time then.)
When I , a right-winger, talks like this you have figure there is a quiet revolution going on. Not just me and a few left-wing loons but millions of us peons. For instance, let's look at Microsoft's dominance on the desktops of our computers. Nothing could be more insidious. One company determining what you do, watch or play on the computers you own? How about music publishers suing people for buying music then giving it away? How about using our tax dollars to fatten their corporate coffers? Had any politicians bribed lately?
Millions of us are now just saying no way. Apple and open source alternatives exist. I can do anything I want using Linux and not pay a dime for software. No on can spy on me, either. The rest of the world? China, for instance, is going to it's own standards on music, movies and education. All on Linux and it's fellow open source software. And they are not alone. Here's what
Jeremy Allison, (of
Samba fame) had to say about this a year before he resigned from Novell sellout to Microsoft, therefore sticking to his convictions:
......They will do anything to prevent it, pass any law, remove any civil right or fair use provision that gets in their way. I began to understood this when I had a discussion with a lawyer who was arguing that "we just need stiffer penalties, we need to make an example of people swapping files on the Internet". To which I responded, "why don't we just execute people who break the speed limit ?". Does anyone remember the slogan that used to be printed on vinyl records, "Home taping is illegal and is killing music" ? Read more.