Thursday, December 28, 2006

Aitheists can be Religious Fantics ....

I found this on digg You'll have to scroll down to read the comments to make sense of my post:

...It is as though [creationist scientist] looked at the measurement of the distance from N.Y to San Francisco claimed that the true distance from sea to sea was 460,000 times smaller, namely about ten yards. Maybe they are right all the rest of us wrong. All I have done here is calculate how spectacularly wrong we would be if they were right.

read more

Let's explore the following assumptions:

Religion has killed more people than (fill in the blank) Wow that's a stretch. How about the atheist regimes of Mao and Stalin? (This people used SCIENCE to murder millions)

Darwin says that over a long period of time (millions of years, billions) we changed from simpler creatures to more complicated. Has their been enough time between periodic "cleanings of the planet" found in the fossil record?

Is the argument with a professor of thermodynamics, Andrew Macintosh, calling him names going to bolster anyones case. Just prove him wrong scientifically. Might be able to fire him. Or do his reputation harm, if that's what you want.

/>P.S I'm not a Christian, but I wouldn't be ashamed of it if I was. Everyone entitled to their opinion; even the fanatics on this page.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Government is just getting started.....

Why should anyone be surprised, let alone amazed, on how this stuff doesn't get reported. In the name of profit we are spied on constantly and no one seems to be aware of it. That's what is driving the new economy called, Tracking . From the time we get up until we go to bed. Nonstop nanny ism. But when the government gets involved it becomes a danger to society. Remember the government makes the rules. Po' folk don't. Soon a new National i.d. card comes out. Rumored to be "chipped" for ease of identifying "problems". Better not screw up. Even credit information is now used against people applying for housing, insurance, or jobs.

Hmm...will government employees be exempt ?

Found this posted on Slashdot today (not a typical paranoid rant) :

The sad state of affairs is that Big Brother probably became a quiet part of our lives a lot earlier. The big question now is: how much worse can it get?Am I just accustomed to old ways? Does the new generation, born with these restrictions, feel the weight of these bonds and recoil from my fears as paranoia? What can I, a person with no political interests--a person that would really rather think that the people in office are there because they're looking out for us, our rights, and our freedoms and not because their short-sightedness is creating a police state--do to stem the tide?"

Read more here.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas come and gone.....

36 Christmas's with Patti. My my where does the time fly. Here's a few pictures of yesterday: Click on them to see.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

All I want for Xmas.....

Merry Christmas Eve!

Nothing says Christmas like a Yorkshire terrier in a top hat Eskimo-style snowman outfit.



Thanks, Sender-inner Lisa B., who found this guy on

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas Comment Graphics

Corporate Capitalism is a menace that must be controlled....

I'm a capitalist. Small "c" . I believe everyone on the planet should be. I don't think anyone should have to spend their lives "grubbing" for a living working for nothing but food and shelter. However, that being said, now days more and more of us are doing just that. Our very lives are dominated by multinational and national corporations that suck the life blood out of us and create a class of serfs. Well fed,fat,dumb and happy maybe,but slaves. This is Christmas week end. Been to mall lately? Let me make my point. For the corporations it's spend until you bust. You suck if you don't buy everyone you have ever known something for the holiday. Crass consumerism is what I'm talking about. If we don't consume, the media,(some of the largest corporations on the planet) climbs on our backs and declares us unAmerican or "Scrooges." It's all about greed and catering to it. And God help anyone who would have the temerity to disagree. (It's death to the infidel time then.)

When I , a right-winger, talks like this you have figure there is a quiet revolution going on. Not just me and a few left-wing loons but millions of us peons. For instance, let's look at Microsoft's dominance on the desktops of our computers. Nothing could be more insidious. One company determining what you do, watch or play on the computers you own? How about music publishers suing people for buying music then giving it away? How about using our tax dollars to fatten their corporate coffers? Had any politicians bribed lately?

Millions of us are now just saying no way. Apple and open source alternatives exist. I can do anything I want using Linux and not pay a dime for software. No on can spy on me, either. The rest of the world? China, for instance, is going to it's own standards on music, movies and education. All on Linux and it's fellow open source software. And they are not alone. Here's what Jeremy Allison, (of Samba fame) had to say about this a year before he resigned from Novell sellout to Microsoft, therefore sticking to his convictions:

.......They will do anything to prevent it, pass any law, remove any civil right or fair use provision that gets in their way. I began to understood this when I had a discussion with a lawyer who was arguing that "we just need stiffer penalties, we need to make an example of people swapping files on the Internet". To which I responded, "why don't we just execute people who break the speed limit ?". Does anyone remember the slogan that used to be printed on vinyl records, "Home taping is illegal and is killing music" ? Read more.

Friday, December 22, 2006

They gave all that money to the UN?

09:22:59 AM

Are they nuts?

The U.N. is definitely the last people to give billions to. Ever hear of "Food for Oil"? Might better have just dumped the money on the residents after the tsunami than give these professional so called do gooders that much loot.

According to the BBC, which claims it got access to a UN database, nearly two years after donors pledged billions to help the victims only half the money has been spent. Of the half a million people left homeless by the disaster, only a third have been permanently rehoused. Where's the money? This article breaks it down and offers a few answers. More…

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Fascism? Nah!!!!

I browse the both left wing nut sites and the right to see what they're up to. I'm more interested in the left because they've regained some power the last elections. We're in for more pc correctness of course, but nothing substantive because no one takes them that seriously. After all "saving the environment" is big business. And that is all it's about in America. Behind the scenes in politics powerful interests decide how our wealth is used. There is a constant drum beat all through our political scene to increase our money, labor rate and upgrading our standard of living. All business, tv, magazines, blogs or what ever need to grow their revenue or disappear from the scene. Any thing threatening the status quo is attacked . Whether it's hippies on the rampage. blacks rioting, or terrorists get anywhere near affecting corporate interests they are either stopped or bribed to join.

Though fascist elements exist in any society, finding them during an new war declared is not a serious concern. After all it's simply business as usual. Check out this guy
RexRhino who makes my point,'s all about making money, creating and maintaining power, very elegantly.

Virtually all mainstream politics in America want the U.S. government to have a broad and vast increase of powers, they simply disagree on how the powers should be used. The right wants vast government powers to observe and search private property in order to fight terrorism… the left wants vast government powers to observe and search private property to fight environmental crimes. The right wants to ban pornography because it is sinful, the Left wants.... read more here.

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

If evolution is Gospel.......

What are these guys so afraid of?

Why not prove evolution once in for all and get it over with. Oops, could this be another myth? Could the scientific proof of evolution be a little slender ? You mean like global warming?

Read this and wonder about primal fear involving religious fanaticism . I thought Christians and Muslims were stringent but what about "men of science ?" Replace evolution in the sentence, "undermine the teaching of evolution" with creationism or scientific design and see what I'm talking about:

Americans United for Separation of Church and State today lauded a Georgia public school board’s decision to drop its defense of anti-evolution disclaimers for science textbooks.

The Cobb County School Board has agreed to settle the long-running legal fracas over its 2002 decision to place anti-evolution stickers in high school biology textbooks.

In an agreement announced today, Cobb County school officials state that they will not order the placement of “any stickers, labels, stamps, inscriptions, or other warnings or disclaimers bearing language substantially similar to that used on the sticker that is the subject of this action.” School officials also agreed not to take other actions that would undermine the teaching of evolution in biology classes.
Read more here.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Boy Arrested For Opening Xmas Gift Early

Sounds like a real tough old bitch to me! Heres our government at work.

... mother has kid, 12, nabbed after Nintendo Game Boy is unwrapped DECEMBER 5--A South Carolina boy, 12, was arrested Sunday morning after his mother called police to report that he had unwrapped a Christmas present without her permission. According to a Rock Hill Police Department report (a copy of which you'll find below), the child opened a Nintendo Game Boy, though he had been directed not to by family members. When the boy's mother learned that the $85 gift had been opened, she called cops, who charged the juvenile with petty larceny. More

Sunday, December 17, 2006

global warming: Save Your Selves...

I love media driven fables. I don't know how many times this stuff gets sold but seems like a constant refrain. A lot of money to be made I guess. Oh, I'm not saying the climate doesn't fluctuate just that the same chicken littles swore up down we were headed for a new ice age only 20 years ago. Again, science gets perverted to make political and economic points. Check this out and see what you think:

Media Shows Irrational Hysteria on Global Warming

"I had another interesting experience around the time my paper in Science was published. I received an astonishing email from a major researcher in the area of climate change. He said, "We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period." "The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was a time of unusually warm weather that began around 1000 AD and persisted until a cold period known as the "Little Ice Age" took hold in the 14th century. ... The existence of the MWP had been recognized in the scientific literature for decades. But now it was a major embarrassment to those maintaining that the 20th century warming was truly anomalous. It had to be "gotten rid of."

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Tax man cometh....

Ready for taxes? Did I rain on your Christmas? Who thinks of taxes this time of year. Businesses that's who.And you should too. Got to get those tax breaks lined up this time of year. From now until April, taxes take over our world. After all big government needs your blood to survive. Your the only slaves they have!

Here's the odd thing about it. People really think the Feds pay for government services with their tax dollars? Boy are they ignorant. In actuality, little Federal income taxes are used for anything but paying government expenses; i.e. salaries, internal expenses (rents, utilities, perks, handouts to corporations) and bribing important constituencies. The rest, the biggest government expense, is interest, borrowed from private banks, on the national debt.

Matter of fact, most of your tax dollars go to pay private banks and foreign government banks. Interest and bribes to keep the world safe for American corporations. With out these payments, the American empire would cease to exist. We wouldn't want that to happen, would we?

It's necessary to keep these governments (banks) tied to us for trade and keeping the oil supply flowing. After all we did conquer the world in 1945, why should we give it back? Friendly governments are essential to maintain our standard of living. Why shouldn't we support these governments (banks)?

Or are they?

Not according to Aaron Russo, entertainer manager and movie maker, who begs to differ, here's a piece of his bio.

(Aaron Russo) ....turned to producing feature films, his production of "The Rose", introduced Bette Midler to motion picture audiences. Midler received an Academy Award nomination as best actress. "The Rose" is considered by many to be the classic rock n' roll film. Russo also produced "Trading Places," starring Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd, which has become a Christmas classic, and "Teachers," starring Nick Nolte, Morgan Freeman, and Ralph Macchio. Read more here

Skeptical? Watch these videos and listen to what the I.R.S agents, congressmen, and tax attorneys have to say :

TV show


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

06:27:28 PM

/> Well got my ass kicked at the pool tournament today. Won two out of five. Should have took at least four. Our team got smacked . I'm the ace. Shows how badly we did.

I keep hovering at 1 million seven hundred at Pokerstars. Getting superstitious over bad beats. Pretty quiet here even though this is the busy time of year for the resort. they raised rents pretty high and a lot of people are staying a way. Patty and I are in our slow period so money's tight. getting a few phone orders though I have the main site down for redo.

Well I have new pool tournament tomorrow maybe things will improve. Our team felt like Custer at the Little Big Horn. And we remember what he said to Major Reno: "My God look at all the fucking Indians." lol


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Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm still waiting for global warming......

 Winter comes early and Al Gore's still selling global warming nonsense. I remember scientists predicting the coming ice age in which we were all going to freeze to death starting by 1980. Now they simply ignore this wild ass guess and found something else to sell. It's all our fault. If only we would move into a cave and reduce our consumption every thing would work out. If only we would obey our governments and do as we are told. If only the Chinese , Indians and other third world economies would just stop feeding there populations, every thing would be hunky dory. Yea right.

The truth is that we live next to a variable star and periodically we get warmer and colder. Sometimes we get more plants growing and more co-2 and some time less. Also, we get more volcano activity off and on and spew more chemicals in the air that effects our climate. If we were serious about it we would go nuclear for electricity and mass produce hydrogen for our cars. Good luck. Best thing to do is laugh and ignore these left-wing nut jobs and consume every thing in sight before we die. Heh Heh.

Far as I'm concerned a lot of this stuff is all worshiping Gaia. There is an awful lot more religion in this than meets the eye.

Read what a real scientist, a physicist, has to say:

Sepp Hasslberger: Man-made Global Warming - The Debate is not over!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Laughlin Chili, Bikes and Blues not so good.....

Made expenses but not much else. Not many bikes showed for some reason. Oh well, next time. IT SEEMS that Jeremy in Idaho is getting snowed in. Same for my brother Jake in Washington. Ha Ha they get exactly what they deserve living in a snow bank. Grand kids though aren't complaining. Snow is Hell of a lot of fun for them. Hopefully the weather here this weekend will be nice so I can recoup some money.

Still working on my Linux install, got Pokerstars working. Poker is all the games I need, of course, but I'd like to get a few others working if I could. Also no video camera either. My digital works ok, but need to buy a cheap printer so I won't have to buy Microsoft's new Vista next year when I build another new box. Can't wait. Xp will be discontinued a year or so after that so Bill Gates can keep making those billions.

Can't wait for the Democrats start making fools of themselves so I can watch politics again. Got tired of Republicans spending money like drunken Dems. Should be a a lot of fun with good old gridlock. Even though we're stuck in Iraq, no change is coming right a way. Got to fight about what to do first, then fight trying to do what ever they decide on. You'll see what I mean in the near future. We have a ring side seat on how the Empire rules it self and it's minions. Which usually means not very well because our government teeters on the edge of complete uncontrollability. We will eventually have to install a dictator (call him what you will) to straighten the coming mess out. Look for a nuke to go off and I'll be proven correct, unless Washington, itself, goes up. That would be interesting.

I'm having a good year in football. USC is winning but looks like no one is going to beat Ohio State . Dallas playing like they did back in the 90's but it remains to be seen if Dallas can win out then handle the Ravens defense in the playoffs. Hope they get a chance to play it out.


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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I need Turkey....

Only time I ever eat turkey, sounds good. I installed Lime linux on my computer this week and am very impressed. Linux is usually junk when it comes to working on this dell inspirion but not this version.

I reinstalled Windows because it took forever to work and left room on my hard drive to install a bunch of different distros to play with. Only need a need a new printer (hint to Santa) and I won't have to buy Vista, Windows new rip off.Got Pokerstars to work on it and am thinking of a new tv card. We'll see.

Going shopping tomorrow on black Friday. Spent most of our money yesterday restocking for our gig in Laughlin. Got to spend money to make money you know.


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Monday, November 20, 2006

Hideout paying this time of Year......

Patty and I only have one small show, Laughlin this coming weekend then nothing until January. Truck's running good and kids doing o.k. Everybody working and healthy.

The idiots in Washington lost their power and we ain't too unhappy. Teach them a lesson. They found out that with our system you can't really do anything but spend money. Can't make any real changes because the beauracrats won't put up with it. Let alone the Media. Too many people on the tit, if you know what I mean. Oh, well doesn't bother me to much as I'm self-employed and vertually invisable to the blood suckers. Heh Heh

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I'm a millionaire...... lol

Play chips that is. No Sturgis this year truck still in the shop. We'll work the Hideout on Sundays until I get my truck back. If you need glasses for you trip check out my Foam goggle catalog. or call (951)658-3094 M-F 9-5 Pacific time. Have credit or debit card handy.


Thursday, July 20, 2006

935,000 on pokerstars.....

Truck broke down so I've been busy playing instead of fishing and traveling. The war for oil continues with those nutty bastards in the oil patch. I think in the long run it will take a few nukes to straighten out the situation. Check out the pro-western Iraqis at Iraq the Model ......

But I do think that it is time to be decisive for one important reason; those who direct the conflict in the region do not seek a solution and even if America looks geographically far right now one should not forget that technology will not allow her to remain so in the future and I think dealing with conventional arsenals today is better than to deal with nukes in the future and that's the threat the world is going to face as long as religion mixes with politics in the middle east. More

935,000 on pokerstars.....

Truck broke down so I've been busy playing instead of fishing and traveling. The war for oil continues with those nutty bastards in the oil patch. I think in the long run it will take a few nukes to straighten out the situation. Check out the pro-western Iraqis at Iraq the Model ......

But I do think that it is time to be decisive for one important reason; those who direct the conflict in the region do not seek a solution and even if America looks geographically far right now one should not forget that technology will not allow her to remain so in the future and I think dealing with conventional arsenals today is better than to deal with nukes in the future and that's the threat the world is going to face as long as religion mixes with politics in the middle east. More

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hideout this weekend......

We'll spend the fourth in Big Bear. Got to fish you know. Patty and I would like to spend next spring in Florida and do Daytona. Takes a lot of preparation, have to start now to figure it out. Be in Idaho later in July and August. Jeremy (my son) and family are doing fine up there and we would like to see them. One advantage of this businessof Harley vending is I get t0 go to exotic locals. Still can't get Patty back to Sturgis after last years bad show. Maybe Hulett, wyoming. I hear they have a fair turnout.. Here's a place, The Am-jam,  I'm thinking of doing  next year so Patty can see here family in upstate New York.(Adults only) next Memorial Day.

Been fishing at Perris Lake. One bass. Need to troll in this heat, I guess.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

'U' boat

'U' boat
Originally uploaded by bosscauser.
Big Bear lake and my new float tube. Best $60 I ever spent. Of course, fishing in Summer here is usually a joke, but the tube was a blast. Never fish from the bank again. (except gator country heh heh)

Nice profit at the Redwood run and the Hideout still rocks...

Redwood Run still a great time even if we had to use a tent (yuck). Be at the Hideout rest of the month and some of July. Look for us.

   After non stop bad beats I finally won 360,000 and passed the 550,000 mark on Pokerstars. Kids doing fine in Idaho and we are headed there next month some time. Mary and babies doing fine. She and her husband want to move to Oregon and Patty and I are thinking Florida next winter. California will do that to a person.

  Got a new float tube this week and took it fishing. Put up picture soon of me and my "U" boat. Heh heh.

  P.S I ain't using it in Gator country, either.

Nice profit at the Redwood run and the Hideout still rocks...

Redwood Run still a great time even if we had to use a tent (yuck). Be at the Hideout rest of the month and some of July. Look for us.

   After non stop bad beats I finally won 360,000 and passed the 550,000 mark on Pokerstars. Kids doing fine in Idaho and we are headed there next month some time. Mary and babies doing fine. She and her husband want to move to Oregon and Patty and I are thinking Florida next winter. California will do that to a person.

  Got a new float tube this week and took it fishing. Put up picture soon of me and my "U" boat. Heh heh.

  P.S I ain't using it in Gator country, either.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Happy anniversary baby....

36 yrs is a nice round number, don't you think?

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Great show this weekend......

Be at the Bigbear Choppers Run  at Snow Summit, Big Bear Lake. Can't wait to get there tomorrow morning and go fishing. Trout bite should still be good because of late snow keeping the water temperature down. We'll see. Helps that I  get paid on these little mini-vacations, right?

Next week we do the Redwood Run. Head to north-west California and check out the big trees. It's a tough business but some one's got to do it. Be back at the Hideout June 15, see you there.

     Windless eyewear or foam goggles have really made biking more enjoyable. Our 4th year of selling them.

Looking for my goggle catalog?

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Friday, May 26, 2006

No Red River this year......

Decided not to do  The Red River Run  for Memorial Day. Could have went to Orange County Chopper's show at Tempe AZ, but couldn't afford the space rent. Also too late to go to West Coast Thunder. Oh well, there's always next year. Be at the Hideout Sunday and Monday.

    I found this at newsbusters makes you think there's something deeper involved than periodic weather changes we have been experiencing all through history. Power to shape public policy and selling an agenda comes to mind. By the way, anyone seriously think the Feds are going to get real on immigration? One thing we know: 

At Least They're Consistent

Posted by Mithridate Ombud on May 23, 2006 - 12:59.

Courtesy of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, following are some of the Chicken Little writings of the New York Times and Time Magazine over the years.

Time, Sept. 10, 1923: "The discoveries of changes in the sun's heat and the southward advance of glaciers in recent years have given rise to conjecture of the possible advent of a new ice age."

NYT, Sept. 18, 1924: "MacMillan Reports Signs of New Ice Age."

NYT, March 27, 1933: "America in Longest Warm Spell Since 1776; Temperature Line Records a 25-Year Rise."

Time, Jan. 2, 1939: "Gaffers who claim that winters were harder when they were boys are quite right ... weather men have no doubt that the world at least for the time being is growing warmer."

Time, June 24, 1974: "Climatological Cassandras are becoming increasingly apprehensive, for the weather aberrations they are studying may be the harbinger of another ice age."

NYT, May 21, 1975: "Scientists Ponder Why World's Climate is Changing; A Major Cooling Widely Considered to Be Inevitable."

Time, April 9, 2001: "(S)cientists no longer doubt that global warming is happening, and almost nobody questions the fact that humans are at least partly responsible."

NYT, Dec. 27, 2005: "Past Hot Times Hold Few Reasons to Relax About New Warming."

Anyone who says the Earth will get (circle one) hotter/colder is right, given enough time. We've had ice ages, little ice ages, as well as warming periods. None of them were caused by humans.

Why is this any different?


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Let's just open all the borders and surrender......

Not deporting illegals only get's you more illegals. Not closing the border gives us an influx of poor people. Poor people need hospitals, schools and welfare for their (legally born) children. Poor people by definition don't pay taxes. Do you really think any country can import 5 or 10 million of these people a year and remain a country? Once it becomes the fashion of no consequences of sneaking in here, they'll sneak in here!

Here's what  michelle malkin has to say:

The only good thing about watching the speech was getting to watch it in the Fox News green room with Colorado GOP Rep. Tom Tancredo, a stalwart immigration enforcement advocate. It was nice to have someone to shake heads along with as empty platitude after platitude was laid on thick. Allah has video highlights of Bush's speech and brilliant commentary as usual over at Hot Air

 Read more

It appears the president is getting on allot of shit lists over the biggest issue since the balanced budget agenda.  Many pundits are trying to  figure if it's worth losing to the "nutty left" this fall. I don't think there's much danger of that  so far because of the Supreme Court justice picks shoring up support in the base's back yard. Also, the Dems have to sweep the contest elections this fall. Damn near imposible with this strong economy.  But the Republicans are falling apart for '08. Only thing saving the G.O.P is Democrats not having an alternative.

PS Al,  no word on Ma so far, keep you posted.

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Laughlin a great success......

Really had a great time at the Laughlin run. Record sales helps. Last week end was average at the Hideout saloon, no complaints. Jeremy and Heather moved to Idaho and went to work almost immediately. They seem to be thrilled living in the Rocky mountains. Glad to see them get out of the People's Republic of California. Nothing but government coming out of our ass here. They can't even teach the kids here 8th grade English or math in order to graduate from high school. Oh well, you get all the government liberals make us pay for. Looking forward to the Redwood Run June 09-11. Great party and I get a vacation in the redwoods of northern California. Making decent money is good also.

       Here's my catalogue for foam-lined goggles  the finest in windless eyewear


Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Amnesty for illegals won't go away....

Found this at Michelle Malkin:

      According to the The Washington Times,  it appears that Bush and the Republican Congress are selling us out on immigration. We"ll see. I think this is just a typical trial balloon sent out  before  November to get the base involved. We'll see how this plays out before getting too excited. I don't expect this to get through the Senate this year, let alone the House because of the coming elections.

    The administration hired Tony Snow to suck up to the base, good move, but to little I'm afraid. Should be a lot of Democrats taking over next year as the (artificial) Republicans sell out there base. You can't spend money like drunken Democrats and expect a lot of support. You can't reward illegal behavior with out consequences. How ever, only the Dems can screw themselves out of electoral victory this year. I don't think it's inevitable but I'm a diehard optimist..

     It's not rocket science to figure the end of this  if you remember Bush senior pissing us off about taxes and leaving Saddam in power. The base rules in modern politics, even or especially if, you antagonize them. Take a look at the "Loony Left" bossing Gore and Kerry around. Hillary is defying them somewhat in public by being less shrill about our "taking over the world by Neo-cons". She could end up as Pres. by default.

Ain't life wonderful. See you in Laughlin, Nevada this weekend.

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Friday, April 21, 2006

Finally doing something about illegals.......

Arrest made against fat cats hiring illegals. What will they think of next. Only 10 million late. Oh well, had an off day at poker for awhile. Made a comeback tonight though.. Patti and I will be at the Hideout Saloon this weekend and at the Avi casino next week end for the Laughlin River Run. See you there .

by the way, you can click for your Foam goggles order information. Thanks.

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Where have all the Republicans gone ..........

I remember voting for the last 25 yrs for fiscal sanity, law and order and national security. You really think we can vote for people who violated our trust? $3 gas? Iran nukes aimed at Israel? Foreigners marching in the streets demanding hand outs?Hello!!!! Pissed doesn't come close.

Here's Michelle Malkin's take on Bush's immigration plan:

As pro-illegal immigration forces organize mass protests in favor of "Mexico! Mexico!" and against stricter border security, President Bush is pushing his guest-worker/amnesty plan hard this weekend. His radio address today was filled with open borders-friendly platitudes (audio and transcript of the address, you'll notice, are available in Spanish at the White House website). Here are two:

"America is a nation of immigrants, and we're also a nation of laws."

"...As we debate the immigration issue, we must remember there are hard-working individuals, doing jobs that Americans will not do, who are contributing to the economic vitality of our country."

We are not a "nation of immigrants." This is both a factual error and a warm-and-fuzzy non sequitur. Eighty-five percent of the residents currently in the United States were born here. Sure, we are almost all descendants of immigrants. But we are not a "nation of immigrants." More.....

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

One way to make extra money to pay those socialist in Washinton........

Here's what the pros say for tournament play. You have to understand that these guys play people who know what they are doing. If that's your goal then you have to start playing for much bigger stakes than I do. You'll also have to get really good with the math. Not impossible but there is so much money to be made playing in local tournaments with people who love to give their money away (it's fun, fun ) why bother. I know you want to be on tv. And pay all those taxes. And expenses. Good luck. Read some of these tips and see what you think.
Lesson: 56 Early Tournament Play David Grey

Most players are aware of the significant advantages that come with having a big stack in a tournament. When a player has chips, he can attack and pick up pots by forcing those around him into a corner where they have to make tough decisions. Those who have short stacks are always vulnerable to attack by those who have managed to accumulate lots of chips. Read more......

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Monday, April 17, 2006

I am crushing limit players playing no-limit on line.......

Poker is always better when your opponents are playing the wrong game. In low buy-in no- limit tournaments you find players, especially limit players, calling and betting the minimum like they play in limit tourneys. All you have to do is watch a few of these and you'll see what I mean.

Trust me there is a big difference in the two.For instance, playing in first position with anything less than ace big, suited cards or pairs. Even though they are not used to being raised, this is what you do to beat them up. If you are simply patient the cards will come to make them pay for this error. You would think that it would dawn on them that this is disasterous play, some do. However, most do it because in limit games or with ineperienced opponents, it doesn't cost much to see a flop. Unless I am in the hand , late position with good cards, I raise the size of the pot.. If I play this hand (bluff) in early position I bet the pot, then bet the flop. If I am wrong, I fold to strength (all in). I pick up a lot of small pots this way and occasionally I catch the nuts and double up, helping me get to the money.

P.s. most people who play these tourneys on line play the same for money or fun. In that case play for fun online then beat them live at your local casino. You'll see what I mean. Many people read a book or two on poker and run to the casino and get slaughtered. In small stakes mult-table no limit games these people go nuts and will not fold to minimum bets let alone your raises. They also get big pot-itis The bigger the pot the bigger the greed. These can become all in contest and if you have the cards you make money fast. Besides for $30 or $40 bucks and a thousand dollar or so pay off it's a lot of fun. Reread this article to see how to crush them. chip count (328, 874) and counting. in first session, (3000), Partpoker, (78000). (17,689) in four sessions

You get the idea

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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Changes to science are a coming ......

For years the "Humanist" viewpoint (no supernatural forces at work) on our origins and purpose for existence has been unchallenged. But in the last 20 yrs or so the political left has fought the religious right for control of our educational system and appears to be losing the arguement. No surprise since aetheism offers very little hope for the future. Anyways, if ever a revolution in science is coming this maybe a major factor.

<a href="">Harvard study tells parties to court 'religious centrists' - Nation/Politics -</a>
Harvard study tells parties to court 'religious centrists'

By Jennifer Harper
April 13, 2006

College students are becoming more religious, and it's affecting their political views, according to a new Harvard University survey of this potentially influential voting bloc. "Religious centrists" rule, according to the university.

A full 70 percent say religion plays an important part in their lives, with a quarter saying their spirituality has increased at college. Six out of 10 say they are concerned about the moral direction of the country, according to the poll of 1,200 students from across the country, conducted March 13 to 27 and released Tuesday.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Kong is born.........

Cole Robert Littlejohn born to Mary (my daughter) and Corrie. 9 lbs and 10 ounces. Biggest baby ever in the family. Had to have c-section to get him out. Mom fine.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Royal Flush does exist ......

Got my first royal flush today on Pokerstars. Had Kd, 4 offsuit and flopped A, Q, J of diamonds. Guy bet big, I called. 10 Diamonds hit, guy bet big, I'm all in he calls.

What's cool is I told him I had it before he bet. First Royal I've ever gotten in two years of play. What's more, I 've never been in a game that one hit. I finished with a win by catching a straight. Best poker game of my life.

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Tuesday, April 04, 2006