Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Please Mr. President tell us when we are running out of Iraq, please........

       Now Kerry starts to spin a little more. He didn"t mean to "surrender to car bombers ", just tell them when we are going to leave. After all no sense making it hard on them to kill us. The problem with Kerry and his ilk is that we ain"t buying "cut and run". He came home from Nam, ran his mouth and became famous. Now, after 2004 elections, it"s over with this guy. If these guys want our votes they"re going to have to join the "war on terrorism". Found this take at Michelle Malkin site:

 John Kerry responds by whining about the president making war-related speeches in front of troops and and with military backdrops. Where would he rather have Bush speak about the war--in front of a Wal- Mart? Next Kerry complains that "No one is talking about running"...and then cites poll results on Americans who want us to withdraw from Iraq. 

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