Patty has another as we count down to Xmas. Heather drops twins last night. man what a week!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Still sick....
Thought I'd stay home and watch the Bucks against Patriots........Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha they suck. Bad as the Yankees.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Friday, December 09, 2005
We don't even have to try to beat these people....
Trying not to chortle over the Left's problems, but this is rich:
"The good news for the Democrats is that their leadership has settled on an electoral strategy for 2006. The bad news is that they have cribbed their game plan from one of the most disastrous campaigns in their history. The Democratic leadership has decided to elevate surrender to a party platform for the upcoming elections, with their national chairman, House leader, and last presidential nominee all running up the white flag as the Democratic war banner.
Technorati : allthings beautiful, lDemocrats, surrender
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Poker and politics at my place.....
Poker back on track at Pokerstars. Passed 100,000 chips again. Europe making war on us again, what else is new. We're the new "empire" so that's what you get. Found this at the Washington times:
Europe preens
"It has been quite the spectacle this week, with Condoleezza Rice touring Europe amid mock dismay over the fact that the CIA may have detained terrorists in European jails. If the secretary of state weren't so diplomatic, she'd cancel her tour and say she won't come back until the Continent's politicians decide to grow up," the Wall Street Journal said yesterday in an editorial.
"One of Europe's moral conceits is to fret constantly about the looming outbreak of fascism in America, even though it is on the Continent itself where the dictators seem to pop up every couple of decades. Then Europe dials 911, and Washington dutifully rides to the rescue. The last time was just a few years ago, as U.S. firepower stopped Slobodan Milosevic, who had bedeviled Europe for years," the newspaper said.
"In return, it would be nice if once in a while Europe decided to help America with its security problem, especially since Islamic terrorism is also Europe's security problem. But instead the U.S. secretary of state has to put up with lectures about the phony issue of 'secret' prisons housing terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans."
Technorati : Condoleezza Rice, Pokerstars, Slobodan Milosevic, Washington times
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Kill the bastard....
Music to my ears:
Kurds anticipate dictator's execution
Paul Martin
The question on people's minds in Iraq's largest Kurdish city as they watch Saddam Hussein's trial on television is not whether he should be executed, but how and when.
Technorati : Saddam Hussein
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Desparate people do the damndest things...
One of my military blogs, Boots in Baghdad, I read has this to say about our friends on the left of the political spectrum. This takes the cake check it out. :
There are various e-mails circulating that claim to be written by American soldiers. These e-mails typically will say, "from/by the soldiers of the (Unit)." These fake e-mails ask Americans to contact their leaders and to forward the e-mail to as many people as they can.
In these fabricated e-mails it is claimed that American soldiers are terrified and want to go home.
These e-mails are fake. They were not written by American soldiers. American soldiers lust for the blood of their nation's enemies. They understand the commitment they have made to their nation and their fellow service members.
Technorati : American soldiers, left of the political spectrum
Monday, December 05, 2005
I need to drive, drill ANWR now......
Slow Sunday at the Hideout, cold. Everybody said Merry Christmas and screw the politically correct. Bikers are the best!
One of my favorite pet peeves is how our guys bend over too much for the Dems. Seems a lot of propaganda on the left can't be countered by our side. Of course, this gives these guys no excuse to surrender. ANWR belongs to all of us, not just the left-wing nuts who preach enviromentalism and get power . We have to remember that these people obstruct us because they are doing it for a living. Trust me the next crunch is coming. Our enemies have their hand on the oil spigot. Do you really think that Chavez from Venezuela loves you? How about our beloved friends the Saudi royal family? Hmm?
By the way, if we quit taking prisoners we wouldn't have all these problems, right? So what's the Dems want us to do? Rewind the clock?
Anyways I found this at Hugh Hewitt's site:
At last week's GOP retreat, sources said House leaders expressed doubt that they could pass the spending-cut bill if it contained the drilling amendment. Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) reportedly said he would try to drum up more support from House Democrats for the provision.
A session that ends without a vote on ANWR or the scheduling of Senate Judiciary Committee hearings and floor votes for Brett Kavanaugh and other marooned nominees is an admission of disarray within GOP ranks in both House and Senate.
Technorati : ANWR, Bikers, GOP, House leaders, Hugh Hewitt, Merry Christmas
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Beautiful day at the Joint-Services run:
. Made a little money and met some great people. Doesn't get much better than that. Have a few pictures to put up later.
Found this a while back. What do you think? I like the way this guy thinks:
AlphaPatriot -- Observations of a Reformed Liberal
Some Republicans Regret Pork Spending
Some GOP politicians are finding pointed questions a little too uncomfortable when they go in front of groups like the Heritage Foundation:
In a speech to a group of conservative academics and policy experts, DeLay blamed the runaway spending of recent years on minority Democrats. When he took questions, the first came from a senior official at the American Conservative Union, who asked DeLay, "How large does the Republican majority in the House and Senate need to be before Republicans act like the fiscal conservative I thought we were?"
Bless him, those are the kinds of questions our free-spending politicians need to be asked!
The Club for Growth, a conservative group that funds like-minded candidates for Congress, has turned the highway legislation into a bumper sticker for the GOP's fiscal failings. "Too many Congressional Republicans have veered away from the limited government agenda that got them elected to the majority in Congress. They have approved pork-barrel highway bills worse than the Democrats used to give us," says one appeal to supporters.
Technorati : Club for Growth, GOP, Pork Spending, Republicans, conservative : Club for Growth, GOP, Pork Spending, Republicans, conservative
Ice Rocket : Club for Growth, GOP, Pork Spending, Republicans, conservative
Friday, December 02, 2005
Are these enviromental scientists nuts or what?
Now the Feds will have to give all of the dark roof people, "RFP's", subsidies to get there roofs fixed. We'll nee a special police force to catch cheaters. Don't forget tax subsidies, new zoning laws and taxes. Thank God for union labor, right? And why not paint the highways white. Yeh, and don't forget we could color the oceans and the forest white and completely solve the problem.
On second thought we know these people, don't we? Make government control all areas of your life.
Yes sir!
Read this at the New Scientists:
Snow laughing matter
Would it be possible to reduce the impact of the greenhouse effect by painting roofs of buildings white to reflect sunlight in the same way the polar icecaps do? Does a paint exist that would mimic the reflective properties of snow?
Painting roofs white would reflect more sunlight and it might also compensate for global warming. The Global Rural Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), undertaken by the Earth Institute at Columbia University in New York, shows that roughly 3 per cent of the Earth's land surface is covered with buildings.
"The Earth reflects 29 per cent of sunlight, painting all roofs white could raise that figure"
Technorati : Feds, enviromental scientists, government control, polar icecaps : Feds, enviromental scientists, government control, polar icecaps
Ice Rocket : Feds, enviromental scientists, government control, polar icecaps
Thursday, December 01, 2005
This issue won't go away....Energy rules our world
Faithful blog readers have heard all of this before. Says the Tribune, the high price of natural gas, 'Can't be blamed on OPEC or...Oil companies. The nation has resisted drilling because of environmental concerns.' (Read: 'pressure'). Right now, as you read this, there are 420 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves in the Outer Continental Shelf, yet federal moratorium blocks access to 85% of it.
Like we said, if you're shivering this winter, or if you're paying twice as much to heat your home, go thank one of the tiny band of radical environmentalists who have had a death grip on our energy policy for 30 years.
Just goes to show that in order to promote a political agenda these people only care about themselves. I'm paying almost three bucks a gallon for diesel, where am I going to get the money for any radical hybrid vehicle or be able to pay for their obstructionist hair brain ideas.
Open up Alaska, for crying out loud and the coast of the lower 48 states. Have governments all change over to something else to burn and leave us alone. Take your chicken shit ideas somewhere else.
Technorati : Alaska, OPEC, energy policy, radical environmentalists : Alaska, OPEC, energy policy, radical environmentalists
Ice Rocket : Alaska, OPEC, energy policy, radical environmentalists
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Please Mr. President tell us when we are running out of Iraq, please........
Now Kerry starts to spin a little more. He didn"t mean to "surrender to car bombers ", just tell them when we are going to leave. After all no sense making it hard on them to kill us. The problem with Kerry and his ilk is that we ain"t buying "cut and run". He came home from Nam, ran his mouth and became famous. Now, after 2004 elections, it"s over with this guy. If these guys want our votes they"re going to have to join the "war on terrorism". Found this take at Michelle Malkin site:
John Kerry responds by whining about the president making war-related speeches in front of troops and and with military backdrops. Where would he rather have Bush speak about the war--in front of a Wal- Mart? Next Kerry complains that "No one is talking about running"...and then cites poll results on Americans who want us to withdraw from Iraq.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
More Tips From The Pros
I usually consider my hand by position. Early decision-better hand. Early in tournaments I play very tight with out the nuts and bang em hard when I catch cards. Later, I start semi-bluffing after I establish a tight image. Here' what Steve Brecher has to say about it on Full Tilt Poker :
What's Your Starting Hand Really Worth? Steve Brecher November 28, 2005 Most players know that pre-flop position is important in hold 'em. The earlier your position, the more players there are behind you and, unless you hold pocket Aces, the bigger the chance that one of them will have a hand better than yours. There is another aspect to position: It's better to act after your opponent(s) rather than before. But for this tip, I'm going to investigate the chances that a player behind you will have a better hand .More
Technorati : Aces, Pros, tournament play : Aces, Pros, tournament play
Ice Rocket : Aces, Pros, tournament play
Monday, November 28, 2005
Bush supports his base, sort of.......
Bush plans anti- illegals campaign - Nation/Politics -
The pres must hear the whisper of the polls. As soon as the nuke goes off here at home and Americans are incinerated, then my side of the arguement, "you terrorist, you die" will attain ascendancy and we will do what we have to do.Simply pursue the bad boys wherever they go and exterminate them and their crony governments who aid them. I believe it's only a matter of time.
P.s, his amnesty for illegals is D.O.A
Technorati : Bush, illegal immigration, nuke, terrorist : Bush, illegal immigration, nuke, terrorist
Ice Rocket : Bush, illegal immigration, nuke, terrorist
President Bush today will call for a crackdown on illegal immigration, a move aimed at further rallying conservatives who recently cheered Mr. Bush"s tough talk on Iraq and the Supreme Court.
Bush plans anti- illegals campaign - Nation/Politics -
The pres must hear the whisper of the polls. As soon as the nuke goes off here at home and Americans are incinereted, then my side of the arguement, "you terrorist, you die"will attain ascendancy and we will do what we have to do.Simply pursue the bad boys wherever they go and exterminate them and their crony governments who aid them. I believe it"s only a matter of time.
P.s, his amnesty for illegals is D.O.A
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Frost on the pumpkin at the Hideout Saloon......
Sunny but cold at the Hideout. Not a whole lot of sales. We left early and headed for the Italian joint we know of and pigged out on spaghetti. Truck runs great, we're in good shape and alls well that ends well.
Need a gig or two for Christmas to pay the freight on Santa's sleigh. Nothing on, have to check the Thunderpress magazine and see what we can do.
Technorati : Thunderpress,
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Another cold day in Paradise...
Cold but nice. Everyone showed up to pay us a visit even though not that good a day for bikes. Made a little money and met some new people. Patti froze first, then Bruce, then the dog, and of course I got a dose of blue balls and we all went home. Tomorrow we tear 'em up again.
Friday, November 25, 2005
Online Poker at Full Tilt Poker - Tips From The Pros
Black Friday is over. I got out of bed at 4 and rushed over to Walmart and got in the biggest line I ever saw (5 am!!) After what seemed an eternity I managed to grab a HP E 317 5 mp camera and a 250 mp card for $109. Missed the notebook for $398, oh ,well.
So, spent my fair share of time today playing online and brushed up on my education. If you play long enough you going to have to learn to play "big slick". Have a look and tell me what you think:
Online Poker at Full Tilt Poker - Tips From The Pros:
Many people fall in love with A-K pre-flop in No-Limit Hold 'em because they know that they can rarely be much worse than 50-50 to win the hand if they get all of their money in heads up. While this is true, the reverse is also true: Rarely will you be much better than 50-50 to win an all-in showdown.
Technorati : A-K, Black Friday, HP E 317 5 mp camera, Poker, Walmart, big slick : A-K, Black Friday, HP E 317 5 mp camera, Poker, Walmart, big slick
Ice Rocket : A-K, Black Friday, HP E 317 5 mp camera, Poker, Walmart, big slick
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Happy Holidays
It's turkey day, time to pig out. Have a safe one
Technorati : turkey day : turkey day
Ice Rocket : turkey day
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Black Friday 2005
This where I'l be Friday ar 5 am. I need a cheap digital camera and the hp for $88 bucks is going to be hard to beat. Also, I want the laptop to install Linux on. Maybe I can lay it away. We'll have to see. Shane, my grandson and I are headed for Diamond Valley lake and do some fishing.
Black Friday 2005 Sale Ads Leaked To The Public - from Jim and Lynnette's Fun Times Guide:
Odds are, you've already heard about the 2005 Black Friday after-Thanksgiving sales at 16 (34 as of 11/19/05... see below) of America's largest retailers. But in case you haven't... and as an opportunity to share with you what I think are some of the Black Friday deals ever, here are the highlights. (The $398 laptop computer at WalMart itself is causing quite a stir!)
Technorati : Black+ Friday, Diamond Valley lake, Linux, Thanksgiving, WalMart : Black+ Friday, Diamond Valley lake, Linux, Thanksgiving, WalMart
Ice Rocket : Black+ Friday, Diamond Valley lake, Linux, Thanksgiving, WalMart
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
November 22, 1963 .....JFK R.I.P
It"s that day of the year again. Like most people who were there 43 yrs ago, today has very powerful memories. The funeral, the caissons rolling by on tv and especially John John saluting his Daddy goodbye. We changed that week. All of us. I was only 12, but I can remember 7th grade and the girls crying in the audiatorium as Cronkite told us.... The President is dead.
America we remember.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Biker Information Guide - America's Biker Source
One of my favorite sites for getting info on runs for my business is Biker Information Guide - America's Biker Source. If you love Arizona, especially in the winter this is the place to look. Kimmy the web mistressis an old friend and commands a loyal audience. Normally we do several gigs , starting in January and ending with Laughlin, in Arizona, which kicks off our touring season else where. We plan on doing more here because we would like to move our operations and setup permanent digs.
Time will tell because we really love the Hideout saloon in Santa Ysabel. we have a loyal and growing clientel, which is hard to do in the outdoor vending business to create and maintain. But after three years, we finally have a steady week end gig and repeat customer base. Another thing is our web business. Foam goggles, which has been in operation for 2 years and has turned a (small) profit.
If interested please stop by .
Technorati : Arizona, Biker+Information +guide, Laughlin, web+business
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Another great saturday at the Hideout
Great weather and a lot of bikes is just the ticket for our finances. We did pretty good , all things considered. Sold mostly cold weather gear as people from the coast get a taste of mountain cool weather.
My brother Jake and his wife will be down to visit from Washington state next week. We will all stop over and visit my sister Deb, and Ma for the holiday. Daughter Mary will check in Wednesday with her boy, she has another in the oven. It's that time of year.
Going to watch the first half of the USC game and go to bed. If Sunday is up to expectations, I'll be happy, happy.
Friday, November 18, 2005
Poker was good.....
Very impressive morning on Pokerstars. 3 tournament wins, two seconds and a 4th. Need to be more aggresive preflop and all will end well. Lot of stupids playing lately. LIFE IS GOOD.
Been messing with my blog trying to get the themes straightend out. Messed it up with something . Back to the Hideout Saloon. Santa Ysabel, tomorrow. Got to make a living.
Technorati : Pokerstars, tournaments
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Multiblogging with wordpress finale
- Download and install to your desktop and open the editor
- This opens the publishing manager. Simply type in your url example: click.
- Type in server, host, endpoint. Mine looks like this: wordpress /xmlrpc.php
- Click and enter the login + password you use for wordpress (example: admin mypassword)
- click
- Open the posting menu, then configure, click new. this takes you back to auto configure
- Type in your second url . Mine looks like this:
- repeat step 3, 4, 5
- Do as many as you need. All blogs will show up in the drop down folder (next to the envelope gif in the top menu.
- Happy multiblogging!
A couple more clients you can use are: and
Technorati Tags : Qumana,, xmlrpc.php, wordpress, multiblogging, multi, blogging, zoundry
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Multiblogging with wordpress part 3
Okay, now edit wp-config.sample to look like this (substituting your values to make your multiblog empire):
// ** MySQL settings ** //
define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress1'); // The name of the database
define('DB_USER', 'wordpress1'); // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'Mypassword'); // ...and password (use password we created)
define('DB_HOST', ''); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value (localhost doesn't work, change it)
Save as -- wp-config.php and upload to your site.(godaddy has a built in ftp in it's control panel.) If your using your / (root) of your site,so you can type, for example www., open the wordpress folder on your desktop (from within the ftp client) and upload. Then type
and install your first blog.
- First get a domain and hosting account
- then get your databases setup
- download wordpress and edit wp-config
- upload and install
- repeat
For your second blog, check the wp-configsample.php and notice the change. (wordpress2)
// ** MySQL settings ** //
define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress2'); // The name of the database
define('DB_USER', 'wordpress2'); // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'Mypassword'); // ...and password (use password we created)
define('DB_HOST', ''); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value (localhost doesn't work, change it)
- Using the same wordpress file, we change it, save as.. wp-config.php.
- .Then create a directory, wordpress2, on your site,using the ftp client
- open the wordpress folder on your desktop and upload the contents into the new folder,wordpress2.
Open your browser and type:
Repeat this as many times as necessary. Welcome to multiblogging
Technorati : multiblog, multiblogging, wordpress
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Multiblogging with wordpress cont...
Now that we have our account set up and wordpress downloaded, let’s log in to our godaddy acount.It will make more sense if you follow along while we create a database:
- after logging in, click on Hosting & Servers , then click My Hosting Account
- This opens our host manager. Click “open” next to your domain. Mine looks like this: ( open )
- After the page opens you’ll see a menue on the left , click “account login” and add a login password (Read the information box carefully) This will not change your password to login to your godaddy account, but this allow us to upload files to our server. The password must contain a capital letter and a number, with minimumat least 6 words . For example: 9bearsinaRow, no spaces.
- click update and after the page reloads, go to the left hand side of the menue “databases”and click “mysql”. Now we can create a database.
- click “create new database”
- You need a user name for it. This name you will edit wp-config with, not login to anything. Since this is your first database, try “wordpress001”, (no spaces) and use the password we created earlier under “account login.”. Take a break while the sever creates the database.
- Now, that the database has been created, you need to click on the database name and write down the
- 'DB_NAME'= 'wordpress001' (leave in the little ticks)
- 'DB_USER'= 'wordpress001' (leave in the little ticks )
- We need the ‘DB_HOST’= ' ' (your number xxx will be different) localhost doesn’t work.
- and the password we created earlier.
- Now,let’s find the wordpress folder on your desktop and open the wp-config-sample.php file
- This is the part we need to edit:
- <?php
// ** MySQL settings ** //
define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); // The name of the database
define('DB_USER', 'username'); // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password'); // ...and password
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value
Monday, November 14, 2005
Multiblog with Wordpress...How to....
It seems that many of you are curious about how to "multiblog". Or simply have more than one blog to write to. Currently I run 6 different ones. Even though I have a Livejournal site, and a Blogspot, I prefer to host my own on the server that hosts my domain, Now many times the post on these sites are the same, I need to catch as many eyeballs as possible to generate an audience (most people stumble on to a blog they like by accident or by track back url), but the idea is to catch "eyeballs". If interested, here's how I do it.
- I got my own domain and webhost at, for under $20.
- Then I downloaded a fresh copy of Wordpress
- From there I extracted the zip file to my desktop.
- then we open the file wp-config.sample with notepad (on windows desktop)
it will look like this:
// ** MySQL settings ** //
define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); // The name of the database
define('DB_USER', 'username'); // Your MySQL username
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password'); // ...and password
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value
// Change the prefix if you want to have multiple blogs in a single database.
$table_prefix = 'wp_'; // example: 'wp_' or 'b2' or 'mylogin_'
// Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the
// chosen language must be installed to wp-includes/languages.
// For example, install to wp-includes/languages and set WPLANG to 'de'
// to enable German language support.
define ('WPLANG', '');
/* Stop editing */
define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__).'/');
Once this done we edit this file, save and upload it to Godaddy after creating a database for this installation. From there we can do it , with a deluxe hosting account, 25 times (25 blogs?) Here's what you do....
To be continued:
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Poker at Pokerroom....
Friday, November 11, 2005
God go with you Vets.....
- Uncle Ralph Larkin, Bataan death march. Uncle Charles Gee, Ardenne Forest R.I.P
- Stepdad Alfred Knapp, Pacific theater, R.I.P
- Stepdad Ron Becker, Korea R.I.P
- Uncle Robert Causer, Viet Nam R.I.P
- Uncle Richard Causer, Viet Nam, still with us.
- Both brothers , Jack and Alan, Viet Nam, still with us
- My only son Jeremy Causer, Gulf war, Panama still with us
The veteran's soul Today is Veterans Day, and it's worth reading a book titled "Chicken Soup for the Veteran's Soul." In that book, John McCain tells of a fellow named Mike, shot down in 1967 and captured by the Vietnamese. Mike grew up poor in Alabama. He didn't wear shoes until he was 13 years old. Character was his only wealth. Mike made a needle out of a piece of bamboo and gradually sewed scraps of red and white cloth into an American flag. He sewed the flag onto the inside of his prisoner's shirt. Every afternoon, the American prisoners hung Mike's flag onto the wall and said the Pledge of Allegiance. One day, the guards discovered Mike's flag and confiscated it. They took Mike outside and beat him severely, puncturing his eardrum and breaking several ribs. Later, after everyone else had fallen asleep, Mr. McCain noticed Mike in the corner under the light bulb. With his eyes nearly swollen shut, Mike quietly picked up his needle and began sewing a new flag. There are numerous other tales about servicemen and -women that will give you goose bumps and bring tears to your eyes.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Gas lines got you down? What do you expect!
House Shelves Alaska Drilling in Budget Fight - New York Times WASHINGTON, Nov. 9 - House Republican leaders were forced to jettison a plan for oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska on Wednesday night to save a sweeping spending bill, a concession that came one day after the party suffered significant election loses. In dropping the drilling plan and a second provision, on coastal exploration, the leadership was trying to win over moderates in the party to enhance the chances of winning initial approval on Thursday of more than $50 billion in spending cuts demanded by House conservatives. But the decision is likely to meet objections from the Senate, where senior lawmakers are insisting on the drilling plan, a priority for President Bush.