Friday, April 30, 2010

Mobile home now paid in full.......

One less personal debt to worry about and retirement just got a little closer. A few thousand more for credit cards and I'll be set. Even though Patti has a student loan payment I'm sure we can afford $62 a month. I won't pay it off because it's her strongest credit reference. The payment amount is immaterial in FICO scoring. The older it is  (and as long as it's never late,) the better.

In 2.5 years we've gone from homeless to middle class with a free and clear roof over our heads and I intend to stay that way at least until I'm debt free. However, this doesn't mean I won't borrow for investment or business purposes. If you go bust in a business it can be structured not to touch a home or retirement funds. And the easiest way to prevent going broke is not to carry personal debt!

I think I'll be able to make $190 a month lot rent and maybe a hundred a month in utilities as fixed expenses. Even on Social Security. Not that I have a lot of faith in that check ever showing up.

Anyways, with a FICO score bumping 750  a debt to income ratio bumping 18% with 3 years on the job I'll have lenders falling all over themselves to lend me money.

I'm still calling the bigger bust in 5 to 10 more years. It will be a killer with government debts world wide in the trillions.

Unless 2012 wipes us out, right?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Another great example for not voting Republican...

Another is all the nonsense of cutting off wasteful funding  to ......

Take your pick. If you vote you have to choose between to parties that lie consistently to the voters.

The Republican Party and Planned Parenthood « Blog
I have seen it reported in several places that Planned Parenthood, one of the world’s leading abortion providers, received government grants and contracts of $350 million for fiscal year 2007-2008 and $337 million for fiscal year 2006-2007. I verified this information for myself on the Planned Parenthood website. I also discovered that Planned Parenthood’s fiscal year ends on June 30. This means that Bush the Republican was the president during this time. But after doing a little digging, I also found out that Planned Parenthood received government grants and contracts of $305 million (34%) during fiscal year 2005-2006. During this time we not only had Bush the Republican president but also a Republican majority in Congress. Yet, Planned Parenthood was still funded. And we are supposed to take Republicans seriously when they complain that Obama isn’t likely to appoint an anti-abortion judge to the Supreme Court? Why wasn’t the Republican Party that concerned about abortion when clinics affiliated with Planned Parenthood performed 264,943 abortions in 2005?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Am I psychic or what?......

Na... All you need is a little memory and a small grasp of history. Our whole food production industry is controlled by 4 large companies and 4 others control the distribution. What's more these companies are controlled by oil prices.

Oil is controlled by?

Daily Digest - Daily Digest - April 22 - Apr. 22, 2010 - Blogs at Chris Martenson - Daily Digest, Economy, Energy, environment
"WASHINGTON (AP) -- Wholesale prices rose more than expected last month as food prices surged by the most in 26 years.

The Labor Department said the Producer Price Index rose by 0.7 percent in March, compared to analysts' forecasts of a 0.4 percent rise. A rise in gas prices also helped push up the index.

Still, there was little sign of budding inflation in the report, which measures price changes before they reach the consumer. Excluding volatile food and energy costs, wholesale prices rose by 0.1 percent, matching analysts' expectations.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Told you I was psychic didn't I.....

As I for told  last year or so the only thing that will save us debt moratorium. Looks like the courts are on it. That means if the gangsters can't prove they own the note on your house, they eat it.

Works for me. Have to get rid of all those repos somehow without taking out the banking system. So the banks cover their losses by bailout money and tax gimmicks and the loans disappear.

read the following:
A colleague forwarded me an important decision this morning that has just been handed down by the DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, Fourth District, that is extremely helpful to foreclosure victims in particular, or for others who want to challenge whether or not they are making payments to the “real party in interest,” i.e., the owner of their mortgage loan.

This decision is extremely important and should be utilized in all foreclosure matters whether in judicial or non-judicial foreclosure states. Without proper authentication and a full audit trail to prove who is the rightful owner and holder of the mortgage obligation, we are subjugating ourselves to a perpetual state of manipulation and fraud by the carpetbaggers and scallywags who are cleaning up the toxic waste dumped into our financial system by the derivatives mobsters. I particularly like the statement in the Decision:

As in BAC Funding Consortium, there are no supporting affidavits or deposition testimony in the record to establish that Aurora validly owns and holds the note and mortgage, no evidence of an assignment to Aurora, no proof of purchase of the debt nor any other evidence of an effective transfer. Thus, we reverse the summary judgment and remand for further proceedings.

This decision moves past the “Bogus Assignment” problem (a la the recently announced Department of Justice’s criminal investigation of Lender Processing Services and its subsidiary Docx, LLC) and focuses on the requirements of admissible evidence. This decision also harmonizes with the findings of fact and conclusions of law set forth in Massachusetts Land Court Judge Keith C. Long’s Memorandum in the U.S. Bank v. Ibanez and Wells Fargo Bank v. LaRace foreclosure cases.

By the way, the Massachusetts Land Court cases are on appeal before the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. We are waiting for the Banks’ attorneys to file their Appellants’ briefs. Glenn F. Russell Jr. on behalf of the LaRaces, and Paul Collier on behalf of Mr. Ibanez will then have 30 days to write their Appellee briefs.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Empire never sleeps.....

Our military-industrial complex rolls. No choice. Turn your back and let your guard down and the  natives fly airplanes into your financial center.

I predict that since Oba mama is playing ball with the Empire he's a shoe in for 2012.  Expect 2011 to be a boom year. Of course, quite a few Dem's are toast this year. Following the status quo means the left stays home this election cycle and they'll be pissing in the wind moaning over "betrayal."

They never learn!

oftwominds: My Country Went to Iraq and All I Got Was This Global Empire
Transcript (Three Days Of The Condor).

TURNER (REDFORD): Boy, what is it with you people? You think not getting caught in a lie is the same thing as telling the truth?

HIGGINS (ROBERTSON): No. It's simple economics. Today it's oil, right? In 10 or 15 years, food, or plutonium-- and maybe even sooner. What do you think the people are going to want us to do then?

Ask them. Not now. Then. Ask them when they're running out. Ask them when there's no heat and they're cold. Ask them when their engines stop.

Ask them when people who have never known hunger start going hungry. Want to know something? They won't want us to ask them.

They'll want us to get it for them.

So we went out and got it. As I described in The Fulcrum of the Mideast? (May 19, 2008) , the U.S. has neatly carved out a sphere of influence in the fulcrum of the mideast. Geography, demographics and energy will always dominate; please consider this map for clarification.

The U.S. Military is now another "tribe" in Iraq. It is a hyper-violent, resourceful tribe which made a number of beginner's mistakes which have now been largely corrected, usually at the rank of Army or Marine captain--those officers on the ground who interact with other tribal leaders.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nice fairy tale.....

Almost as bad as Jesus did it. You notice upon reading the following that he never explains where the gene could have come from or why wouldn't the surviving moths be black and blend in and not be so easily eaten. All these explanations of evolution are simply a grasping at straws.

Not that the Bible does any better! So lay off the flame wars.

Introduction to Evolutionary Biology
The English moth, Biston betularia, is a frequently cited example of observed evolution. [evolution: a change in the gene pool] In this moth there are two color morphs, light and dark. H. B. D. Kettlewell found that dark moths constituted less than 2% of the population prior to 1848. The frequency of the dark morph increased in the years following. By 1898, the 95% of the moths in Manchester and other highly industrialized areas were of the dark type. Their frequency was less in rural areas. The moth population changed from mostly light colored moths to mostly dark colored moths. The moths' color was primarily determined by a single gene. [gene: a hereditary unit] So, the change in frequency of dark colored moths represented a change in the gene pool. [gene pool: the set all of genes in a population] This change was, by definition, evolution.

The increase in relative abundance of the dark type was due to natural selection. The late eighteen hundreds was the time of England's industrial revolution. Soot from factories darkened the birch trees the moths landed on. Against a sooty background, birds could see the lighter colored moths better and ate more of them. As a result, more dark moths survived until reproductive age and left offspring. The greater number of offspring left by dark moths is what caused their increase in frequency. This is an example of natural selection.

Populations evolve. [evolution: a change in the gene pool] In order to understand evolution, it is necessary to view populations as a collection of individuals, each harboring a different set of traits. A single organism is never typical of an entire population unless there is no variation within that population. Individual organisms do not evolve, they retain the same genes throughout their life. When a population is evolving, the ratio of different genetic types is changing -- each individual organism within a population does not change. For example, in the previous example, the frequency of black moths increased; the moths did not turn from light to gray to dark in concert. The process of evolution can be summarized in three sentences: Genes mutate. [gene: a hereditary unit] Individuals are selected. Populations evolve.

Evolution can be divided into microevolution and macroevolution. The kind of evolution documented above is microevolution. Larger changes, such as when a new species is formed, are called macroevolution. Some biologists feel the mechanisms of macroevolution are different from those of microevolutionary change. Others think the distinction between the two is arbitrary -- macroevolution is cumulative microevolution.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Did you ever wonder why your check didn't go up ......

If your check increase is based on the CPI it didn't increase to keep up with inflation. The government cheated you out of it. Probably gave the money to the losers who didn't pay for their house. Or gave it to the fat cat gangsters who make sure both political parties stay in charge.

Oh I forgot, you did get a couple of bucks in "stimulus money." Now they have to raise your taxes to cover it. Kind of takes the thrill out of voting, doesn't it?

Bet on it!

Food Costs up 2.4% In a Single Month
Since March 2009, the stocks and commodities have soared - and investors have been thrilled.

While many attribute this rise in valuations to economic recovery, some believe that rising costs are a direct result of the monetary expansion by the Federal Reserve, resulting in price inflation on certain goods, namely those assets such as commodities, which are not considered debt-based (i.e. cars, houses).

The Labor Department reports that prices in the month of March rose across the board:

There was little sign of budding inflation in the report. Excluding volatile food and energy costs, wholesale prices rose by 0.1 percent, matching analysts’ expectations.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oba mama to crackdown on Wall Street......

Yea, right. Might start with firing half his advisers and staff who worked to get us into this mess in the first place and will go back to the scene of the crime to continue the scam.

Of course, we get exactly the government the rich pay for. No matter the party. But what else is new?

Michelle Malkin » All the president’s Goldman Sachs men; Update: A look at the White House visitor logs
– Goldman Sachs partner Gary Gensler is Obama’s Commodity Futures Trading Commission head. He was confirmed despite heated congressional grilling over his role, as Reuters described it, “as a high-level Treasury official in a 2000 law that exempted the $58 trillion credit default swap market from oversight. The financial instruments have been blamed for amplifying global financial turmoil.” Gensler said he was sorry — hey, it worked for tax cheat Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner — and was quickly installed to guard the henhouse.

– Goldman Sachs kept White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel on a $3,000 monthly retainer while he worked as Clinton’s chief fundraiser, as first reported by Washington Examiner columnist Tim Carney. The financial titans threw in another $50,000 to become the Clinton primary campaign’s top funder. Emanuel received nearly $80,000 in cash from Goldman Sachs during his four terms in Congress — investments that have reaped untold rewards, as Emanuel assumed a leading role championing the trillion-dollar TARP banking bailout law

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Oh good. More bureaucrats......

We need more parasites

O’Reilly Tonight: Financial “Reform” « John Stossel
On The Factor tonight, Bill wants to discuss the pending financial “reform” bill. I put “reform” in quotes, because the 1,336 page bill is likely to do little more than create a new maze of unproductive regulation. Here are five new agencies the bill would create:

— Financial Stability Oversight Council
— Office of Finance Research
— Office of National Insurance
— Office of Credit Rating Agencies
— Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection

A “Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection” sounds nice. But the more (and the more loudly) government devotes efforts to protecting ordinary investors from Wall Street, the less incentive ordinary investors have to protect themselves. Pretend to remove the risk (or severely dilute the risk) of personally suffering financial losses, and ordinary, non-professional investors lose their incentives to personally exercise prudence, caution, and good judgment.

Bob Litan, writing for the Huffington Post, also points out that the bill restricts funding for start-ups:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This tax is inevitable........

One way or another. The gang in charge can't cut spending so they have to soak us. Therefor we can expect them to soak the rich. After all they then will get the blame and the gang lives happily ever after.

These 13 Senators Need to Be Sent Home for Supporting VAT
As government revenues plummet and spending sky rockets, Washington is looking for all manner of ways to further burden the American people with taxes, including the value added tax, which which is essentially a sales tax on consumption. In A VAT of Taxes for the Middle Class we discussed the problems with the VAT and how it would stifle small businesses and economic growth.

It seems the Senate agrees:

The Senate voted 85-13 Thursday to pass a nonbinding “sense of the Senate” resolution that calls the value-added tax “a massive tax increase that will cripple families on fixed income and only further push back America’s economic recovery.”

The issue came up because White House adviser Paul Volcker told a group in New York last week that taxes might have to be raised to bring budget deficits under control. He added that the value-added tax “was not as toxic an idea” as it had been in the past, according to a report by the Reuters news service.

The White House has distanced itself from the remarks, with officials saying that Volcker was not speaking for the Obama administration

Saturday, April 17, 2010

I never liked the slimy son of bitch anyways......

Of course, I never liked any of our politicians.  Anyways here's the latest plan....
Raise our taxes because they think the  recession is over and we can all pay for their crimes..... Then again, for the gangsters who buy these guys it never started!

Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler » Would Somebody Please Remind Us Who Let This Fuck Into the GOP
Just as tax day is upon us, the economy is in shambles and Ogabe Inc has put millions of Americans out of work not to mention footed countless future generations with a bill that will have to come due sooner or later, Lindsay Lohan Graham suggests that “hey, you know what would be really great now? Another tax, that’s what!”

WASHINGTON – Leading voices in the Senate are considering a new tax on gasoline, as part of an effort to win Republican and oil industry support for the energy and climate bill now idling in Congress.

The tax, which according to early estimates would be in the range of 15 cents a gallon, was conceived with the input of several oil companies, including Shell, BP and Conoco Phillips, and is being championed by Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

Friday, April 16, 2010

I firmly believe this guy is spot on....

Hate to agree with Oba mama's money bags but I do. And he's closer to the gang than I 'll ever be.  5 to 10 years is my prediction.......

George Soros Says Crash Imminent, But It Might Take 8 Years
Billionaire financier George Soros warns that we are creating another environment which will inevitably lead to a crash, but this time, it won’t be just stock markets and it will be an even bigger boom and bust than the recent credit crisis.

Via Reuters:

“Unless we learn the lessons, that markets are inherently unstable and that stability needs to the objective of public policy, we are facing a yet larger bubble.

“We have added to the leverage by replacing private credit with sovereign credit and increasing national debt by a significant amount.”

Though many contrarian analysts and investors have suggested that a massive economic catastrophe will occur sometime in the next 0 to 3 years, Soros is a bit more optimistic on time frame, according to Reuter’s Funds Hub:

One crumb of comfort could be the 10-year period between the 1998 Asian crisis and the 2008 credit crisis. If the pattern is repeated, it should at least mean we have another 8 years to go before the next crash…

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Remember the Weathermen?.....

Government has to destroy the Tea party.  No choice.  Expect more attacks on Ron Paul. Especially after this new Rassmusen poll  predicting Paul is in a dead heat with Oba mama for 2012. Of course most people now believe.......

Big government is your wallet's enemy

Future Tea Party ‘Incident’: You Saw It First on LRC « Blog
In reading Eric’s post, I can guarantee you that there are a lot of scared people in Washington, and I suspect that the Obama administration will step up its efforts to further have the FBI infiltrate the Tea Party movement. So far, we have seen a massive effort by the government and the mainstream media to falsely claim that the TP folks were hurling racial slurs at black members of Congress.

My sense is that the FBI will push even harder, trying to get some fringe people in the TP to “plan attacks” or something like that, and then the government will swoop in and make arrests, and the New York Times and CBS News will publicize it to no end. We have seen this kind of thing so many times before that what I am writing should not be shocking to anyone who reads this blog.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Government corruption world wide.....

Manipulate the stock market is one thing but screwing with the price of gold is another. S till, oil is the one to watch.  Did you buy some food? Come in handy. Heh heh.

In The News Today : Welcome To Jim Sinclair's MineSet
There is no silver lining to the activities of JPMorgan Chase and HSBC in the precious-metals market here and in London, says a 40-year veteran of the metal pits.

The banks, which do the Federal Reserve’s bidding in the metals markets, have long been the government’s lead actors in keeping down the prices of gold and silver, according to a former Goldman Sachs trader working at the London Bullion Market Association.

Maguire was scheduled to testify last week before the Commodities Futures Trade Commission, which is looking into the activities of large banks in the metals market, but was knocked off the list at the last moment. So, he went public.

Maguire — in an exclusive interview with The Post — explained JPMorgan’s role in the metals pits in both London and here, and how they can generate a profit either way the market moves.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Oil, oil, oil....

We only have to watch oil. Goes up everything costs more. Everything costs more less money for Chinese trinkets, I pads, taxes, house payments......

You get the idea. 2008 at $140 a barrel should tell us something.... like broke dick city at my house, hmm?

Oil, Not China, Is The Real Destroyer Of America's Trade Balance
UBS's head of Asia-Pacific economics argues that the real global trade imbalance isn't U.S.-China, it is U.S.-oil. As shown below, current account surpluses from fuel exporting-nations have been a far larger driver of total global trade imbalances coming from emerging markets.

China's current account surplus (in blue) has been large in recent years, as a percentage of the global economy, but it has been dwarfed by fuel exporters (in green):


Jonathan Anderson of UBS, via Caixin:

Looking at the movements from the late 1990s through 2006, when the overall U.S. deficit worsened from 2 percent of GDP to nearly 7 percent of GDP at the trough, a full three percentage points of that adjustment came from other advanced economies and from fuel imports; only two percentage points came from China and other non-fuel emerging markets. And the recent drop in the U.S. deficit had almost nothing to do with China; again, it was oil prices and developed trade that explains the entire swing over the past 18 months.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Heart attack is over......

Easter damn near killed me.

Didn't do much for Jesus either.

Thank God for insurance. I died and was resurrected by the medical team at the local hospital and then flown to Couer d' lene for  a stent.  5 days in the hospital and I'm back home. Now I get to fuck off for awhile.

Every tragedy has a silver lining.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

This is our Congressman at work.....

You got to hear this moron to believe it.

Not An April Fools Joke: 8000 Additional Troops in Guam Might Sink the Island
A perfect example of government incoherence:

Rep. Johnson: Twenty four miles long, about seven miles wide at the least widest place on the island and about twelve miles wide on the widest part of the island. And, ugh, I don’t know how many square miles that is. Do you happen to know?

Navy Admiral: I don’t have that figure with me sir. I can certainly supply it to you if you’d like.

Rep. Johnson: My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.

Navy Admiral: We don’t anticipate that.

The response from the [unnamed] Navy Admiral is very controlled, but we have no idea how he kept from laughing in Representative Johnson’s face.

The most alarming thing about all of this, is that Rep. Johnson will probably be re-elected.

Friday, April 02, 2010

Same thing happened to me .......

1990 I got hired with paid training for census work. Same year the homeless didn't get counted. They couldn't get any "homeless" to apply, I guess. By the way, homeless don't vote, pay taxes, work or give a shit.

Heh heh.

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Hundreds of Census workers trained, paid … and laid off
If today’s employment report showed some mixed results, thanks to a temporary boost in Census Bureau workers for the decennial survey, then the news out of Northern Virginia may spell a disappointing April. Yesterday, hundreds of Census workers hired to go door-to-door in group home settings like dorms and prisons got pink slips after getting paid for three days of training. It turned “Census Day” into a particularly ironic April Fool’s joke