Thursday, December 31, 2009

Once you've seen a UFO........

Your no longer a believer, but a "knower."

Ronald Reagan’s UFO sightings and alien “Fantasy” speeches |
I was one of the first to publish several articles about Reagan’s many references to what became a persistent theme in his speeches: that an alien threat would unite the nations of the world. I also interviewed Nancy Reagan’s astrologer, Joan Quigley, for the premier issue of the Spanish magazine Año Cero. In the early 90s I even hoped to meet the former president (through a close friend of the Reagan family who knew a good friend of mine in Hollywood circles), and ask him about his UFO experiences and the source of his alien speeches. That hope was quashed when news of his Alzheimer’s was released.

Of Reagan’s two known UFO sightings, one is fairly well documented and dramatic, the other just a second-hand sketch without date or exact location. It was disclosed in 1988 by comedian and radio host Steve Allen, who commented that a very well known personality in the entertainment industry had confided to him that many years ago, Ron and Nancy arrived half an hour late at a dinner party in Hollywood. The first thing they said is that they had just spotted a UFO coming down the coast.

The second incident is more dramatic and better documented. It occurred in the summer of 1974 when Reagan was governor of California and was flying on the governor’s Cessna Citation aircraft. We have the first-hand testimony of the pilot, Bill Paynter, who years later explained in a TV program they were at 35,000 feet in the vicinity of Modesto, when he was alerted by Reagan that a big light was following them. “The governor said, ‘well, let’s see if we can get a little closer to it,’ so we started moving towards it,” said Paynter. “It followed us just of—from the wing-tip probably a half a mile or a mile—and when we started turning towards it, it paralleled our flight, and…just took off.”

Ronald and Nancy Reagan in California in 1964

Ronald and Nancy Reagan in California in 1964

The following quote from Reagan about the incident comes from Norman C. Miller, who was then Washington Bureau chief for the Wall Street Journal and later became editor of the Los Angeles Times. “I was in a plane last week when I looked out the window and saw this white light,” Reagan told Miller. “It was zigzagging around. I went up to the pilot and said, ‘Have you seen anything like that before?’ He was shocked and said, ‘Nope.’ And I said to him: ‘Let’s follow it!’ We followed it for several minutes… to Bakersfield, and all of a sudden to our utter amazement it went straight up into the heavens.”

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

At first this seems counter-intuitive.......

But we, the American consumer, have to go bust and start over in order to straighten out the national financial debacle that hasn't ended yet. After going through it I can only tell you that is the scariest thing for most people to even think about. That's why we vote for Big Government to put off the reckoning that will arrive.

Be ready for the boom. Clean up your credit. Save and pay off "junk" debts. In 5 to 10 years the next bust hits and everything becomes dirt cheap for people with cash and good credit. Happens after every deflationary bust.

In the forties if you had a couple of thousand you could have bought a mansion in the city, 5 0r 6 new cars, a lifetime supply of booze.... Whatever. This is history. 

I just bought $250 more in food. Wait til you see the prices this summer. Expect oil to rise because production has been cut and foreign countries are using American money to buy.

There is no reason for them to hold a dying empire's cash. Check this out......

The recession is over but the depression has just begun | The Big Picture
So, what does this mean for the American and global economy?

1. The private sector (particularly households) is overly indebted. The level of debt households now carry cannot be supported by income at the present levels of consumption. The natural tendency, therefore, is toward more saving and less spending in the private sector (although asset price appreciation can attenuate this through the Wealth Effect). That necessarily means the public sector must run a deficit or the import-export sector must run a surplus.
2. Most countries are in a state of economic weakness. That means consumption demand is constrained globally. There is no chance that the U.S. can export its way out of recession without a collapse in the value of the U.S. dollar. That leaves the government as the sole way to pick up the slack.
3. Since state and local governments are constrained by falling tax revenue (see WSJ article) and the inability to print money, only the Federal Government can run large deficits.
4. Deficit spending on this scale is politically unacceptable and will come to an end as soon as the economy shows any signs of life (say 2 to 3% growth for one year). Therefore, at the first sign of economic strength, the Federal Government will raise taxes and/or cut spending. The result will be a deep recession with higher unemployment and lower stock prices.
5. Meanwhile, all countries which issue the vast majority of debt in their own currency (U.S, Eurozone, U.K., Switzerland, Japan) will inflate. They will print as much money as they can reasonably get away with. While the economy is in an upswing, this will create a false boom, predicated on asset price increases. This will be a huge bonus for hard assets like gold, platinum or silver. However, when the prop of government spending is taken away, the global economy will relapse into recession.
6. I believe this dynamic will induce a Scylla and Charybdis of inflationary and deflationary forces, forcing central bankers to add and withdraw liquidity in a manic way. The likely volatility in government spending and taxation gives you the makings of a depression shaped like a series of W’s consisting of short and uneven business cycles. The secular force is the D-process and the deleveraging, so I expect deflation to be the resulting secular trend more than inflation.
7. Needless to say, this kind of volatility will induce a wave of populist sentiment, leading to an unpredictable and violent geopolitical climate and the likelihood of more muscular forms of government.
8. From an investing standpoint, consider this a secular bear market for stocks then. Play the rallies, but be cognizant that the secular trend for the time being is down. The Japanese example which we are now tracking is a best case scenario.

That’s my thesis. What’s your view?


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What does it tell us when states go bust.....

Huh..... Maybe they should cut back and live within their means. I mean, why do state governments have to spend billions when the feds are paying for the same things. Wait til interest rates go up big time and we can't buy all that junk,  let alone big ticket items that generate sales and property taxes.

Somebody has to pay for all this debt. I think we know who. This leads to a lower standard of living. Expect interest rates to go up in 2010 and scare the fuck out of the big shot gangsters who's stooges in office will be thrown out big time. China, India, and Russia are now is buying gold and will stop buying our debt. As I've warned befor, that's when the shit hits the fan. Then....

Surprise! Need to raise interest rates to pay for trillion dollar deficits. You get it in the ass. Not exactly rocket science.

On the home front, insurance company is paying off my totaled Suzuki and I just bought a 2004 Suzuki to replace it. Looks new and I paid $10000 out the door. I went to the credit union and picked up a check for $9350 and put $650 on my credit card. i got 4.5 % on the loan and $200 a month for 5 years. I'll pay it off in two  or three and borrow more even though interest rate will probably be too high, for my retirement RV.

By the way, no money down is back. The secret is having your financing in hand before you shop. Pay off your loans and borrow a little more. Pay them off then borrow more, doing it over and over. And stay away from running credit card balances as that lowers your score. Just bank your paychecks and use your credit card for immediate expenses then pay your card off in full that improves your credit.

 Patti and I have 12 more payments on the mobile home and then we only pay $190 a month plus electric. I think we'll do fine even with the extra couple of thousand in doctor bills from her operation. At least she goes back to work next week and I can make plans to start another business and generate some tax losses.

Being in business is the only way we can practice tax avoidance since real estate is such a long term mess. A married couple generating $50,000 a year pay through the nose to the gangsters in Washington.

More on this later.

I still would like to get to Florida and start my mobile home investing program for my retirement. I've already found a few bargains on the internet. Which only covers a fraction of the opportunities. People have to live somewhere, even broke dicks. heh heh.

States Scramble to Close New Budget Gaps -
The patches used by states on their ailing budgets just months ago are now failing.

Ohio lawmakers were expected late Thursday to vote on a compromise reached with Gov. Ted Strickland to avoid cutting education budgets an average of 10% on Jan. 1. In Arizona, lawmakers met in a special session Thursday -- their fourth on the budget this year -- to grapple with a new deficit. And in New York, Democratic Gov. David Paterson said Sunday he would postpone paying $750 million of state bills to avert a cash crunch.
[cutting deeper]

Many states eliminated expected deficits earlier this year with budget cuts, tax increases, short-term borrowing, accounting moves and planned gambling expansions.

But despite a slight improvement in the U.S. economy, states are now finding those measures didn't go far enough. Tax collections continue to trail projections in some states, and court rulings and political battles have blocked some gap-filling moves.

Plus, some legislatures didn't fully deal with the deficits, leaving the toughest decisions to governors. All states, except Vermont, have at least a limited requirement of a balanced budget.

Only a few states now have cash-flow problems. But if revenues continue to fall below expectations, the list could grow, said Scott Pattison, executive director of the National Association of State Budget Officers.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ready to start a new country yet?'''''

Give it time. 7 million more mortgages go up this coming 18 months. We need the Fed to really pour on the printing presses just to break even. 25 million jobs have to be created to get back to even. Auto and house prices have stabilized for now but not for long. How much more welfare can we give these guys?

Time will tell. Without stimulus these prices  slide back. With it inflation looms directly ahead. 

The Jobless Recovery, So Called
The biggest problem I see is not fiat money (which is collapsing from its own lack of substance), or the purported “global” economy, which is composed of numerous countries none of whom are doing well. (Prosperity in China? Oh, my, tell me another one.) The big problem, which is being exacerbated, is that something like 40% of all “jobs” are in government. Yup. Four out of every ten “workers” are paid lavishly (in general, twice what counterparts in business make for similar tasks) are engaged primarily in the business of making our lives more difficult, our businesses less profitable, and our ability to plan for the future almost impossible. This country has grown bureaucracy and chased manufacturing jobs off shore. It has increased regulation and deleterious “services” at the expense of freedom and capital to create real business which include real jobs and genuine products which can be sold instead of buying shoddy merchandise from China. We’ve seen the cycle…from Taiwan to Japan to Sri Lanka, and now to China. We have sent our money overseas for many decades rather than fight to reduce regulation, reduce taxes, and reduce costs. A fork lift operator simply isn’t worth $86,000 a year, even if he works for the ci devant “Big Three.” Not many of them do any more, and it serves them right. Greed at all levels of the unions made American products too expensive to buy. Manufacturers–whom, I will remind you again, are not in business to employ “workers,” but to make profits–picked up their blueprints and went elsewhere. We cannot blame them. We would do the same if we were able.

No, friends, there will be no “jobless” recovery. There will be no recovery at all until we are so much farther down that October of 2009 looks like “the good old days.” The “green shoots” are the slime growing up the North wall of government, the bacteria of corruption, and of parasites such as governmental Spanish Moss and Pharma and Agribiz mistletoe.

What is to be done? You’ve got your choice. Destroy Carthage, or opt out. Pull back into your own perimeter. Produce nothing that can be taxed or regulated.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Feds control our very lives now.......

The feds control our money, our houses,children,transportation,health care, you name it. But when they control carbon, they control all. This is from people who would screw up a wet dream.

I think they get theirs  by guys with towels on their heads. The big question is which side do we take?

Pajamas Media » The Socialist Revolution Has Come to America
1. The government moved to take greater control of medical care and thus one-sixth of our entire economy. The excuse? Some people don’t have insurance, don’t you know? What are the details? Good question: specifics hatched in back rooms behind closed doors, utterly incomprehensible bills that may as well be carved in hieroglyphics. What will it mean for you? Why, whatever they want it to mean, of course.

2. Efforts to criminalize a particular naturally occurring compound, CO2, picked up pace. Why have they so singled out this substance? Because it is a byproduct of work and, indeed, life itself — every time you turn on your heater, every time you drive to work, every time you sit down to eat: don’t you know these sinful behaviors must be curbed, because you are “poisoning the planet” with your every move?

Success in this double strategy would amount to nothing less than a socialist revolution. A revolution of legislative opacity and bureaucratic fiat, to be sure, but a revolution just the same, for there is literally no part of your existence they couldn’t justify controlling under the cover of “health care” and “emissions” reform. Resistance would be met at first with peaceable punishments, fines and such. But the history of such revolutions shows that, sooner or later, they enforce their dictates with bars and boots.

Think it can’t happen here? History is littered with the wreckage of free states that gave way, sometimes with a scream, often with a whimper, to autocracy and absolutism. The city that gave birth to the world’s first and greatest republic was also home to Caesar and Mussolini.

America is not immune to these forces. The tides of history are inexorable and sooner or later pull every edifice into the sea.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Still sounds like a religeous arguement to me.....

We confuse, for various reasons, God is responsible for DNA and some kind of magic did it. Think about it. No rational explanation can explain how DNA came into existence without some kind of help. No wonder this pisses so many people off. Easier to make sneering pronunciation than admit "I haven't a clue."

Happy birthday, Patti.

Dissent on Darwinism by David Gordon
Although he does not accept Intelligent Design, Nagel refuses to dismiss the movement as merely religious. Critics claim that design cannot be a legitimate scientific hypothesis; but at the same time, they maintain that the theory can be shown to be false. Nagel pertinently asks, how can both of these assertions be true together? Further, Nagel sees no constitutional obstacle to teaching Intelligent Design.

Nagel's opinions on this issue have led to a remarkable episode. Brian Leiter runs a blog, Leiter Reports, which is read by philosophers, owing to detailed accounts of promotions, jobs, and other news about philosophy departments. Leiter's comparative rankings of philosophy departments also attract much attention. Leiter obtrudes his own political and social views on his audience; were he to present these in a separate venue, it is a safe bet that his audience would vastly diminish. Among Leiter's many aversions, the Intelligent Design movement ranks among the foremost: he often attacks what he calls the "Texas Taliban."

When Nagel's article on Intelligent Design appeared, Leiter could not contain his rage (see here and here). We were presented with the unedifying spectacle of Leiter's speaking in abusive and condescending terms about one of the foremost philosophers of the past half-century. Nagel's The Possibility of Altruism, The View From Nowhere, and the essays collected in Mortal Questions are classics of contemporary philosophy.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Dem's rule.....

Poor morons. Oba mama in Denmark trying to sell the country down the river. Congress fighting over how quickly they can bankrupt the citizens. Republicans hanging tough as Reid and gang won't include their participation. Dem's backbiting as their money men demand more goodies for their constituents but can't get 60 Dems to agree.

Sounds like good old gridlock to me.

Hopefully it will continue for the foreseeable future. Then we get rid of most of the criminals and find a new bunch. Heh heh

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Totaled my car this morning....

Black ice got me. Time to go shopping as soon as the insurance pays off.

Shit happens!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Won't be long now....

Expect inflation statistics to scare the shit out of everyone.

Already for trillions of dollars are sloshing around the world's  economy. Printed up to save the gangsters asses. No likely to save them, I believe, but time will tell. This money first chases stocks, bonds, currencies and especially commodities. Gold, silver, oil and soon food. Then we get beat up with consumer price inflation as oil prices catch up to pay for all those Arab schemes rebuilding the middle East into Nirvana. This massive wall of debt will bite us in the ass.

Re-inflating the bubble though is not going to be easy as something like 7 million houses are on the cusp of foreclosure. Businesses hooked on cheap credit are coming up short.Now the gang in Washington is playing with medical cost which is always dangerous for politicians as they need to keep so many unhappy people together to save the system which is collapsing around their ears.

So far, we "consumers" are bust and can't save the system from itself. We need healthy incomes to keep the debts current let alone, pay it down. With most people on reduced hours, unemployment, disability, or not working to start with, doesn't leave much else the government can do to generate the taxes to pay for services. Only borrowing from our ideological enemies, the Chinese.

What happens if the Chinese go bust over the next couple years? We can't buy their trinkets. We actually need little from them. Oil? nope. Food? Nope. Toys? Really?

Only their money. Which we gave them in the first place.f You get the idea? They are tied to us until the end.

What ever that end is.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Think we ought to wake them up?....

The left swallowed the bullshit hook line and sinker. "Change we can believe in" simply means a rearranging the chairs on the Titanic . The system is too rigged to reform. It must crash completely. Until then, expect a new bubble to be created.

There is nothing else the gang in charge can do.

Politically there is no place to cut budget wise. No criminals (they are in charge) can be punished . Military spending must be maintained or the vets destroy the party in charge. Education is so corrupt that no cuts there or the unions stay home. The states , the Democrat bases on the whole,are  in disaster and need massive infusions of cash.

Can't tax us much more as we are broke. The whole fucking bunch of us are flat busted. We owe more than we are worth. Try and sell something at a profit. Your house? yea, right. Your used car? how about your 401k, must be a lot of profit there..... good luck.

Only thing left is blood.

But not is all lost. Get out of debt. (Pay bills in full every month over the next couple years.) Save as much possible so you can participate in the next inflationary boom.

Will the gang be able to do it again? Why not? Who's going to stop them? Banks borrow from the Fed for free. Lend it to speculators for commodity and Wall Street speculation. Profits trickle in to the business side. They hire and retool. Then borrowing of all kinds take off and prices explode.

Might as well prepare for it as it is inevitable with these guys in charge.But it's really a lot of fun to listen to the Left bitch about it, right?

Obama's Big Sellout : Rolling Stone
Barack Obama ran for president as a man of the people, standing up to Wall Street as the global economy melted down in that fateful fall of 2008. He pushed a tax plan to soak the rich, ripped NAFTA for hurting the middle class and tore into John McCain for supporting a bankruptcy bill that sided with wealthy bankers "at the expense of hardworking Americans." Obama may not have run to the left of Samuel Gompers or Cesar Chavez, but it's not like you saw him on the campaign trail flanked by bankers from Citigroup and Goldman Sachs. What inspired supporters who pushed him to his historic win was the sense that a genuine outsider was finally breaking into an exclusive club, that walls were being torn down, that things were, for lack of a better or more specific term, changing.

Then he got elected.

What's taken place in the year since Obama won the presidency has turned out to be one of the most dramatic political about-faces in our history.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Watched an interview onTV today.......

Senator Conrade. Seems we can't cut spending... or raise taxes, during a recession. I guess we just bitch about it. These are the Dems who have complete control of the government. His solution: get the Republicans to make a 'bi-partisan' commission and make a solution that way. {More finger pointing}

These guys can't be real!

Let's dissolve Congress. Fire everybody in charge. Prosecute the bank big shots and all their Washington cronies. Outlaw lobbyist. Make elections open to all parties with free TV time. (we could advertise cigarettes and beer to pay for it)

Completely do away with income taxes using excise taxes to protect us from fraud, waste and abuse. Then  watch the economy take off.

There's a few more things to be done, but that's a start.

A guy can dream, can't he?

Here's a real solution: get a government job or disappear with a little business of your own.

Tell the fuckers nothing!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Only Repubs managed to beat the left at it's old game.....

Makes you wonder. Why do we even care? We definitely need a change but the criminals own both parties now. After NAFTA, there has been little the working stiff can do about improving his station other than supporting the status quo. Anyone who fucks with the powers that be has the I.R.S or Homeland Security come after them. 

Now they've engineered another boom to save their sorry asses and life goes on for them. Just look at the joke going on in Copenhagen. We can prove the globe is cooling but the fascist will make us pay anyway to reduce a harmless gas, CO2, from a infinitesimal amount in our atmosphere to practically zero.

Follow the money and we will find the same handful of gangsters in on it.

I expect more of the same in the future as more and more people jump on the band wagon. After all, most people figured their house was worth at least 3 times what they paid for it after a couple of years. Must be some free money here somewhere.

And Oba Mama  did promise fiscal responsibility to return to Washington and we would be out of Iraq and Afghanistan in his first year. Black people would have lots more money and whitey would get bitch-slapped into next week. All liberals would get special medals for honesty.....

And tooth fairies would be dancing in the streets as the government outlawed dentists. unicorns would be butt fucking pigs, rainbow stew would be assured to all God's children, Republicans would quit lying and do what they promised and....

How are all these wonders  working out for you?

The Future of the Republicans by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Now, pointing this out is akin to mentioning the elephant in the living room, the one which some of the guests welcome and some have decided to ignore. For the latter group, here is a partial litany of what the Bush administration has done by way of using and expanding government power: the Patriot Act, the Patriot Act II (as part of Intelligence Reform), No Child Left Behind, Medicare drug benefits, the Transportation Safety Administration, and the Department of Homeland Security, not to mention two major wars that have cost hundreds of billions, and left only destruction and chaos in their wake. Government spending in Bush's first term soared more than 29%, twice Clinton's average.

The second term will bring more of the same, or worse. Bush is going to try to install the country’s first-ever peacetime program of forced savings. Though it is being sold as privatization, it is a huge step-up in statism, and also prepares the way for controls on consumption spending, as seen in World War I and II. There could be more wars in the Gulf region, with Syria, Iran, and others tossed on the chopping block. As regards the invasions of individual liberty, there are no limits. Already proposed is a national ID, fingerprints on passports, more intrusions into bank accounts, more travel restrictions, more surveillance, and even the draft and national service.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Hmmm...... I'm still skepitical....

Viruses adapt to their ever changing surrounding environment. O.k. But how does this show us evolution? They are still viruses.

These changes can be explained simply by pointing out that this adaptability is  "built in" to the DNA. Still no explanations are ever given for evolution as fact, just the assumption that it's obvious to the discerning observer.

Or do we mean believer?

Skeptic » Lectures » past-lectures''
H1N1 — The Evolution of a Deadly Virus
What Diseases Tell Us About Evolution

Carl Zimmer, an award-winning science writer for the New York Times, Discover magazine, Scientific American, and others takes readers on a frightening tour of the H1N1 flu virus, how it evolved, and what deadly diseases tell us about how evolution works. Reviewing the history of influenza going back over a century, including a complete analysis of the 1918 influenza outbreak that killed tens of millions of people around the world, Zimmer includes remarkable graphics demonstrating exactly what happens from the moment a virus enters a body to the death of its human host. Along the way Zimmer reveals how vital evolution is to all branches of modern biology — from the fight against deadly antibiotic-resistant bacteria to the analysis of the human genome.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Only the government can punish the dead......

I love this. You work. You die. Uncle Sammy gets his cut over your dead body.

Tell me again why anyone votes for these fuckers.

Agora Financial's 5 Minute Forecast
The U.S. House of Representatives voted to extend the estate tax late last week -- indefinitely. In a time when everyone could use an extra dollar -- and, in fact, hundreds of billions of dollars are being handed out while trillions more are being printed -- the state opted to extend the “death tax,” which was set for a one-year repeal in 2010. Instead of a year of tax leniency, for every dollar beyond $3.5 million that you bestow upon your departure, the government will take 45 cents (should this bill become law).

Why start today’s forecast with this news? We couldn’t think of a more fitting sign of the times… punish those who found success (and already paid their taxes once) and reward the weak (in this case the U.S. government, arguably the greatest spendthrift in history).

Here’s the best part: They’ll spin it so it sounds like Uncle Sam is doing you a favor. “This bill gives our nation's wealthiest families the ability to know exactly what their obligation to the nation that fostered their wealth will be,” Rep. Jared Polis so eloquently noted. You see, you not only have some kind of “obligation” to give the state nearly half of your life’s work, but by keeping this tax continuous, Rep. Polis will offer that sleep-easy assurance that the estate tax will surely outlive you. What a relief.

Monday, December 07, 2009

Colder than a witch's tit......

Been in the teens here in Northern Idaho. Too bad global warming is a fraud. But we knew that years ago. Still the gangsters in Washington will run cap and trade down our throats. Need to keep the scam going or the politicians will be replaced.

I'm collecting Patti's share of the doctor bills after insurance pays their part and it aint pretty. Probably 3 or 4 grand. Hard to get ahead that way. But better than no insurance at all. They paid close to 30 grand.

Try and collect that much from me, hah hah.

12 more payments on the mobile and we only have to worry about 200 a month lot rent. I'll be looking for another then. Buy and sell for income comes next. Debt free is the key.

Time will tell how bad the next bust will be, but there will be another.

And maybe another. Until we get a new country any ways.

Hey, one can hope.

Friday, December 04, 2009

Unemployment down...

Good thing the government changed those bad numbers from October as Oba mama went to a "job summit" with rich fat cats who don't create any jobs, right?

Next thing you know a new boom, as I have telling everybody, will happen and we start over again with the country borrowing from foreigners and we will have to buy their junk. We've already lost our industries, next we lose our food production. Then we take over a small oil producing country. (Iran?) How else are we going to pay for all these fuck ups.

The Commies were right when they said we would sell them the rope used to hang us.

In the meantime,I'm trying to get ready for the next inflationary boom. I'm getting out of personal debt and have already built up a $5000 line of credit with my credit union. I hope to get it up to $20000 in a year or so then I'll be able  buy another mobile or two to resell. I expect to make 300 or 400 a month on each one

Might head for Florida and get one for a winter home. With a line of credit all you do is write a check and then move in or resell. Pretty easy to do as long as you buy cheap. Which means cash. Without any personal debts this becomes entirely feasible.

Also, I'm thinking of selling food at the fairs during the winter to get extra money coming in. Hard to believe  that Patti and I can draw Soc.Sec  (partial) in 3 years so we have to get busy.

Should be an interesting retirement.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

First climategate, then.....

Need to work on that evolution theory. falling apart day by day. ofcourse until a new explanation comes along this is it.

Trying to explain how DNA evolved from nothing is a bitch.

I'm listening.

The Two-Minute Hate « Blog
The Darwinites are very angry at NYU philosopher Thomas Nagel’s book recommendation in the London Times:

Stephen C. Meyer’s Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design (HarperCollins) is a detailed account of the problem of how life came into existence from lifeless matter – something that had to happen before the process of biological evolution could begin. The controversy over Intelligent Design has so far focused mainly on whether the evolution of life since its beginnings can be explained entirely by natural selection and other non-purposive causes. Meyer takes up the prior question of how the immensely complex and exquisitely functional chemical structure of DNA, which cannot be explained by natural selection because it makes natural selection possible, could have originated without an intentional cause. He examines the history and present state of research on non-purposive chemical explanations of the origin of life, and argues that the available evidence offers no prospect of a credible naturalistic alternative to the hypothesis of an intentional cause. Meyer is a Christian, but atheists, and theists who believe God never intervenes in the natural world, will be instructed by his careful presentation of this fiendishly difficult problem.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Hat in hand....

Oba mama crawls to China, the new super power, and grovels. We can't survive financially without their buying our debt  and selling us everything we used to make. And we can't make  perpetual war against guys wearing towels on their heads without Chinese permission. Our treasury is buying stocks, houses, car companies, and God knows what's next.

I guess the people in charge will just have to reelect him as he is "change we can believe in". (Yes we are collectively stupid and but at least we  are politically correct).

Empires come, empires go, all fall down.

The Hidden Costs of Too Much Government Debt | Money and Markets: Free Investment Email Newsletter
But you know what Obama came home with? Not much of anything. A joint statement here. A stiff, “no questions asked” press conference there. Substantive progress was nowhere to be found.
Obama's trip to China was all smiles but no substance.
Obama’s trip to China was all smiles but no substance.

That’s disturbing — and it reflects a very uncomfortable fact: The balance of power between the U.S. and China has shifted largely in China’s favor because of our overreliance on China to fund our profligacy. In fact, I believe that this shift is one of the single biggest “hidden” costs of our massive government debt load.

Debt Costs Keep Rising,
With No End in Sight!

You don’t need me to tell you that our public debt is enormous. As of this week, it came to $12,031,299,186,290.07. That’s more than $12 TRILLION in case you have trouble grasping a number that big. In just the past decade, it’s up more than 111 percent.

Things are only going to get worse, too, because Washington has completely abandoned any semblance of fiscal discipline! We’re running ever-larger budget deficits, including $1.42 trillion in fiscal 2009 alone.

The interest cost alone on our debt last year was $202 billion. That’s enough to send every man, woman, and child in this country a $656 check. Keep in mind that those costs were artificially low because of the lowest short-term rates in history due to the Fed’s rate cuts. Moreover, the flight-to-quality rally in government bonds helped keep longer-term rates low.

As bond prices fall, rates rise, and absolute debt levels climb ever-higher. That number is going to spiral upward. In plain English, we’re going to be dedicating a larger and larger share of the U.S. budget just to pay interest on our debt. Forget about defense, health care, Social Security or anything else.