Saturday, October 31, 2009

Only the government could dream this up....

Some reason we have to fuck with the clock twice a year.


Unhealthy time change | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul
Although daylight-saving time was sold politically as an energy-conservation measure, it does no such thing. Studies conducted in Indiana prior to 2006, when that state operated under three different time regimes, show either no difference in energy consumption or a small increase in power usage during the months after clocks were moved one hour ahead.

The annual ritual of springing forward and falling back thus possibly produces no energy savings and may be counterproductive. It also requires those who live in places where daylight-saving time is observed to waste time twice a year adjusting their clocks and watches.

Yet the costs of switching between daylight-saving and standard time go far beyond the hassles of "losing" an hour in the springtime and "gaining" it back in the fall.

I am not a doctor and I do not play one on TV, but the medical profession as Dr. Osvaldo Bustos of George Washington University's School of Medicine pointed out to me recently has known for years that shifting time forward or backward has negative, and possibly deadly, health consequences.

A Swedish study published in The New England Journal of Medicine on Oct. 30, 2008, reports increases in the incidence of myocardial infarction (heart attack) after the beginning of daylight-saving time and the subsequent return to standard time. Depending on whether the shift occurred in the fall or spring, men and women were found to vary in the extent to which their heart attack risks were increased, but the study's authors concluded from the clinical evidence that time change triggered more myocardial infarctions in the two groups overall than they would have suffered otherwise.


My best guess.....

The future is not that complicated. Expect the depression to continue. Government will keep killing interest rates and force banks to trickle out their foreclosures. Which, by the way,  will accelerate starting next year as the more credit worthy buyers from the boom get clobbered with huge interest rate increases.

Eventually we hit massive sales in the 401k sector as the geezers sell out to save their asses and their kids homes  bringing down the printing press money fiasco.

Of course, the government then has to give everybody a check. To stay elected this is guaranteed.

Those of us living debt free and with good credit  and sufficient cash will be able to buy this stuff for pennies on the dollar

20012 maybe?

The recession is over but the depression has just begun « naked capitalism
So what’s next? A lot of the economic cycle is self-reinforcing (the change in inventories is one example). So it is not completely out of the question that we see a multi-year economic boom. Higher asset prices, lower inventories, fewer writedowns all lead to higher lending capacity, higher cyclical output, more employment opportunities and greater business and consumer confidence. If employment turns up appreciably before these cyclical agents lose steam, you have the makings of a multi-year recovery. This is how every economic cycle develops. This one is no different in this regard.

However, longer-term things depend entirely on government because we are in a balance sheet recession. Ray Dalio and David Rosenberg make this case well in the previous quotes I supplied, but it was a recent post about Richard Koo from Prieur du Plessis which got me to write this post. His post, “Koo: Government fulfilling necessary function” reads as follows:

According to Koo, American consumers are suffering from a balance sheet problem and will not increase consumption until their personal finances are back in order. The banks are not lending mainly because nobody wants to borrow and, furthermore, the banks want to build their own balance sheets (raise cash) and get rid of toxic garbage…

Again, when asked what would happen if the government cuts back on its fiscal stimulus, Koo replies: “Until the private sector is finished repairing its balance sheets, if the government tries to cut its spending, we’re going to fall into the same trap Franklin Roosevelt fell into in 1937 (a crushing bear market) and Prime Minister Hashimoto fell into in 1997, exactly 70 years later.

“The economy will collapse again and the second collapse is usually far worse than the first. And the reason is that, after the first collapse, people tend to blame themselves. They say, ‘I shouldn’t have played the bubble. I shouldn’t have borrowed money to invest – to speculate on these things.’

This view of a second, more serious downturn mirrors the one I wrote of when I wrote about high structural unemployment last week. And, again, it is predicated on what government does. I wrote last November that if government stops the support, recession is going to happen.

The U.S. economy cannot possibly work itself out of the greatest financial crisis in some 70-odd years in a mere 4 years and then expect to raise taxes on the middle class without a major recessionary relapse.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

More welfare for the middle class will save us.....

Yea, what ever.
After a few years the governments going to have everyone "working" for them or at least getting a check, and I can't help wondering how long that can last. Just the idea that milions of people have been drawing unemployment checks and living in their government guaranteed mortgaged houses tells us  that it's planned.

Think the politicians want you scared and dependent on their" rescue plans"?

Congress fears risk of economic relapse - Washington Times
Fear that the economy might fall back into recession is compelling Congress to extend unemployment benefits and incentives for homebuying that lawmakers hope will help sustain growth.

The threat of a relapse in housing has prompted Senate leaders to start negotiating an extension of the first-time homebuyers' tax credit, now set to expire Nov. 30. They hope to attach the measure to legislation extending soon-to-expire unemployment benefits and then pass both by the end of the week.

Economists are telling lawmakers that, with unemployment approaching 10 percent, an extension of benefits for the long-term unemployed would help prevent a collapse in consumer spending. In addition, the housing market is seen as a key ingredient of the economic revival.

"Unemployment and housing conditions could face further deterioration" without further actions by Congress, said Frank Lee, an economic analyst with CreditSights Inc.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Or sexing.

Mighty powerful computers on board if it takes that long to realize they were past there destination. I think they were "busy", alright. Heh heh.

Pilots caught computing while flying - Washington Times
down on texting while driving, it now faces the question of how to handle two airline pilots who admit to computing while flying.

The National Transportation Safety Board said Monday that the pilots of a Northwest Airlines flight that overshot its destination airport by 150 miles last week say they did not fall asleep at the wheel but were distracted while reading their laptop computers, in violation of airline rules.

"This may be the ultimate case of distracted driving, only this time it was distracted flying," said Sen. Amy Klobuchar, Minnesota Democrat and a member of the Commerce, Science and Transportation subcommittee on aviation operations, safety and security. "The pilots should have been focused on safely steering Flight 188 home, instead of checking crew schedules.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

NY Times is Pissed…

Kind of like… no it’s exactly the same, as any religious belief, we know that climate change is bad because…
Well, because…. all these government paid scientists say so. And by the Goddess, Gaia, we need to do something about it.

Like close down the oil industry.

These fuckers are nuts!!

Op-Ed Contributors - Yes We Can (Pass Climate Change Legislation) -
CONVENTIONAL wisdom suggests that the prospect of Congress passing a comprehensive climate change bill soon is rapidly approaching zero. The divisions in our country on how to deal with climate change are deep. Many Democrats insist on tough new standards for curtailing the carbon emissions that cause global warming. Many Republicans remain concerned about the cost to Americans relative to the environmental benefit and are adamant about breaking our addiction to foreign sources of oil.

However, we refuse to accept the argument that the United States cannot lead the world in addressing global climate change. We are also convinced that we have found both a framework for climate legislation to pass Congress and the blueprint for a clean-energy future that will revitalize our economy, protect current jobs and create new ones, safeguard our national security and reduce pollution.

Our partnership represents a fresh attempt to find consensus that adheres to our core principles and leads to both a climate change solution and energy independence. It begins now, not months from now — with a road to 60 votes in the Senate.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Florida just got better.....

One less gangster. Need a few thousand more and we can start a new Republic and get rid of the fascist in charge of our money.

Change we can believe in.

The Associated Press: Palm Beach police: Jeffry Picower has died
PALM BEACH, Fla. — Authorities say Jeffry Picower, a Florida philanthropist and a friend of Bernard Madoff for decades, has died. He was 67.

Picower was the former New York lawyer and accountant alleged to have extracted billions of dollars from the Bernard Madoff investment scheme.

Authorities say he was found at the bottom of his Palm Beach home's pool Sunday afternoon by his wife and could not be revived by Palm Beach fire rescue workers. Picower was transported to Good Samaritan Hospital where he was pronounced dead at about 1:30 p.m.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Inflation was a whopping 4.5%......

Old Nixon pulled the plug on the Bretton Woods Agreement  bringing on the necessity of fiat money diplomacy in order to keep our military intact and in place everywhere on the planet. Unfortunately this requires a lot of money. More than we can generate with a tax base that consists mostly of working stiffs slaving away to buy "consumable" junk with little intrinsic value.

After the political left completely took over the Dem's party big business began to defend themselves by shipping manufactoring overseas. No taxes,  no "liveable" wages, no polution controls,no  unions, no nosy government regulators that don't stay bought, and you get tax free trips abroad.

Of course this requires big time "defense"spending.

Which leads to the Republicans and many old time Dem's scaring everyone to death that little brown men in sampans or, now days, clutching the Koran driving stolen airplanes, will invade and make everyone quit paying for  all this bullshit.

We know who has won the arguement so far. As long as the politicians play by the rules they stay in those cushy jobs . We must have a huge military based all over the globe to save western capitalism. The guys calling the shots have all the money.

Until the Commies take over through debt collecting, that is, heh heh.

Nixon Killed America « Blog
Nixon Killed America
Posted by Lew Rockwell on October 24, 2009 06:23 AM

Hans Hoppe makes the point in Salamanca that historians will look back on August 15, 1971, as the beginning of the end for the US empire. That was the day when Dick Nixon—by dictatorial fiat—severed the final tie between the dollar and gold. Nixon thus inaugurated a world monetary system that was unprecedented in the annals of mankind: pure fiat money, with central banks unconstrained in their money printing. It has lasted 38 years, but is clearly in its death throes, just like the US empire

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

You really have to root for this guy......

Finally a candidate who's quiet, unassuming, obviously not on the take.

What's not to like?

Finally, a Political Candidate Who Will Get My Vote « Blog
October 21, 2009
Finally, a Political Candidate Who Will Get My Vote
Posted by David Kramer on October 21, 2009 08:30 AM


The name of Jerry A. Nicola will remain on Bridgeport’s Nov. 3 ballot as the Republican candidate for mayor despite his death on Sunday of cancer, Montgomery County Voter Services Director Joseph Passarella said yesterday. The last day for withdrawing the name of a candidate was Sept. 17, the last day for naming a substitute was Sept. 21, and absentee ballots were sent out weeks ago, Passarella said. “We’ve already printed the ballots and programmed the machines – it’s too late in the game” for any change, he said.

Talk about the perfect political candidate for a voluntaryist.

[Thanks to Jonathan Pearson]

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The World is awash in oil......

No incentive to get it. Politics. Global warming is in. Defending Israel is essential. Price drops too low and the big shots lose their ass.

What ever.

Your going to pay. If you survive Obamama economics.

An Update on Peak Oil from ASPO
Marcio Mello, the former explorationist from Petrobras (PBR: NYSE) and now independent petroleum consultant, electrified the Denver meeting of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil & Gas (ASPO).

In a riveting talk that lasted well over an hour, Marcio detailed the immense petroleum potential of offshore Brazil, as well as the Amazon Basin. If Marcio’s estimates are correct, Brazil may be the location of near 200 billion barrels of additional petroleum resources. That’s well within the range of current resource estimates for Saudi Arabia.

For good measure, Marcio described the petroleum potential of offshore West Africa — another 130 billion barrels — as well as the Congo region, with 50 billion barrels or more.

Finally, Marcio described the “unknown potential of the US back yard, the Gulf of Mexico (GOM).” Marcio offered remarkable insight into the deep regions of the GOM, 100 miles and more offshore Texas and Louisiana. He showed early work he performed on a number of GOM areas, including the site of BP’s (BP: NYSE) recent billion-plus barrel find at the Tiber site.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Eventually the elites are wiped out......

Guillotines come to mind. Anyone remember what happened to Mussolini?  That guy in Romania? Yea, could get interesting. I'm glad I have a ring side seat.

Maybe you should grab a gun and join me, heh heh.

charles hugh smith-Survival+ : Chapter One
As they watch the Plutocrats in action, they learn the most effective ways to increase one's share of the income/wealth are looting ("gaming the system" of pensions, benefits, State entitlements, etc.), deception, fraud and embezzlement (accounting trickery, collusion, sweetheart contracts, etc.) and influence-peddling, known in the Third World as corruption, baksheesh, etc.

As the middle class increasingly runs afoul of the byzantine, Kafkesque regulations imposed by an ever-expanding State, they find that financial leverage and legerdemain is far more lucrative than actually producing goods and services.

(Unsurprisingly, the Plutocracy finds ways to gain exemptions, loopholes and special dispensations which greatly reduce the reach of troublesome regulations and taxes.)

As the middle class abandons thrift and production for financial speculation and highly leveraged debt (following the example of their Plutocratic overlords), tax revenues soar as leveraged speculation pyramids into bubbles, enabling vast expansions of a State which is inherently seeking constant expansion of its income and powers.

When these financial bubbles eventually deflate, then tax revenues plummet, as productive work and investment have declined. Why bother working hard when the big, easy money is made via leveraged speculation? Only fools would tolerate all the regulatory costs and high taxes imposed on producing goods and services; far easier to speculate in bubbling assets like housing, stocks, energy, etc.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What makes everyone assume that Obamama is not doing this on purpose....

Doesn't he have college boys with economic and historian backgrounds. Maybe he doesn't want the economy to recover. After all corporatism doesn't like Marxism either.

If you’d like a taste of what it feels like to be a libertarian, try telling people that the incoming Obama Administration is advocating precisely those aspects of FDR’s New Deal that prolonged the great depression for a decade; that propping up failed and failing ventures with government money in order to save jobs in the present merely shifts resources from relatively more to relatively less productive uses, impedes the corrective process, undermines the economic growth necessary for recovery, and increases unemployment in the long term; and that any "economic" stimulus package will inexorably be made to serve political rather than economic ends, and see what kind of reaction you get. And trust me, it won’t feel any better five or ten years from now when everything you have just said has been proven true and Obama, like FDR, is nonetheless revered as the savior of the country.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

This is called "Letting you money ride"........

In inflationary times you borrow to the hilt and pay back with cheaper dollars. Today is "not " inflationary, yet. Now you save and payoff debt. Maximize your credit score by paying small debts on time. Get ready to borrow big and often to stay ahead of the tidal wave of inflation. We ain't seen nothing yet.

 Every inflationary boom has it's bust. Every deflationary period has it's boom. Then inflation again. No government with a printing press can resist. Especially ours.

 We vote. We have guns,

Any questions?

The American Conservative -- No Easy Money
This “free money” phenomenon is also dangerous for homebuyers. Now that the loose lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been throttled by insolvency, the central planners are expanding operations at the two remaining state lenders: FHA and Ginnie Mae. Get your guaranteed mortgage with 3.5 percent down right here! While that is marginally better than zero, it sure isn’t 20 percent. In other words, the same old game of low downpayments and easy mortgage money is being played, sweetened by an $8,000 credit for new homebuyers. No wonder housing is “recovering.”

Is risk being properly priced when money is cheap and new loans are practically given away? Of course it isn’t. Eventually, the global bond market will become uneasy about the government game of printing money to buy its own debt and the purposeful injection of nearly free money.

Supply and demand still matter. According to analysts, global governments are borrowing $5 trillion this year to fund their vast stimulus packages. Then there’s private-sector demand for business loans, mortgages, consumer credit, local government bond issues, and so on. Considering that some $35 trillion in global wealth has vanished in the past two years and corporate profitability has plummeted, it’s fair to ask what happens if there’s not enough global surplus capital to fund the explosion of public demand for borrowing.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Multiply by 50 states and the Feds....

Every pension plan is going bankrupt thanks to promises for the future based on results of the past. Basing retirement payouts on "bubble" returns has caught these programs with their pants down. Promising, in writing, benefits that can't be funded is all it takes to bring down the system.

We just have to watch over the next 7-10 years as all these millions of people  hit retirement age. That's government employees who vote. Give big bribes to the politicians. Hell, many are married or related to the politicians. Where do you think they will find the money to pay for all this , Hmm?

Not from me. I won't have shit left to tax. Social Security checks will barely pay the "green electric " bill. Foreigners? Think they'll have any money left?

Right now the rich are buying gold to "perserve" their wealth. Since their paper assets  pretty much melted away. Throw in the housing losses and most are technically bankrupt. So these people will be chasing any "safe" investment. Even if that "investment" is the government inflating their losses into the future.

Wait! We've been doing that. Probably why the 25 ct beer is no longer with us. Or a McDonald's combo for less than a dollar. 10 cent Pepsi? Or my favorite the 25 cent pack of cigarettes.

Of course, it will all work out with Oba mama in charge over the next decade.  Right?

Read the whole piece below and see what you think.

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Five Major Pension Problems - One Simple Solution
Unsolvable Problems

* Expecting 8% returns in a 4% world. When 30 year treasury bonds are yielding 4%, the dividend yield of the S&P 500 is 2%, and the S&P 500 PE is 140 (26 if you use operating earnings), 8% returns are from Fantasyland.

* Pension benefits start too early. People are living longer.

* Private employees do not receive these kind of benefits. Public employees should not either, especially at taxpayer expense.

* Indeed, continuing to chase high-yield in a low-yield world is a guarantee those plans will blow up again down the road.

* Pension plans are so underfunded that it is virtually impossible to catch up, no matter what risks the plan managers undertake. When asked how long it would now take for its investments to put the fund back on track, Ohio officials simply said: "Infinity."

Monday, October 12, 2009

Little early in the process........

Empires rot from within. Everybody is in on the take. Once people realize they can get free money or power over their neighbors by voting for it then it only becomes a self-fulfilling act.  Soon in order to survive we all have to get in on the action. We need to have government rob our fellow citizens just to survive our old age, educate our kids, protect us from bad guys, fix the roads, etc..

But the biggest problem is Social Security money is taken from people who work. Same with military and other government checks. Our workers  don't produce  much any more to earn enough to support all the dependents on government largess. It seems to me that robbing our children is a sure fire loser.

Right now we are depending on borrowing from foreigners to pay all these trillions of handouts, promises and wild schemes. How long will that last? Maybe 2013? By your next birthday?

Who do we riot against? Will we be shot down in the streets begging for bread? Will the next generation decide to take over another small oil producing country?

Stay tuned!

Gerald Celente explains ‘Obamageddon’ forecast amid call for The Great American Renaissance
Well, Gerald, you can gladly add Barello to the aforementioned list. As a fellow paesano I am going to join you – and break the absurd rules of politic correctness – by asserting that Wall Street and Washington D.C. are being run by psychopathic serial criminals. For those that feel this declaration is overzealous, please read the recent commentary of Jim Kouri, vice president and public information officer at the National Association of Chiefs of Police, wherein he likens the personality traits of politicians to serial killers.

The mortgage market collapsed due to massive, unprecedented frauds. More people would realize this if mainstream media outlets properly exposed such crimes; granted, investigative journalism has been pushed aside, and in its place, we find an array of pseudo-celebrity, nonentity imbeciles like John and Kate Gosselin, desperate for their 15 minutes of shame. Either way, most mortgage frauds were facilitated by both lenders and borrowers – many of whom knowingly agreed to terms they could not afford. Through the process of securitization, these bad loans have been turned into hot potatoes for tossing, often with the help of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae; this has allowed lenders to deceitfully transfer risky loans to unsuspecting counterparties. Ratings agencies aided and abetted the racket by claiming these junk assets are safe; accordingly, corporations, municipalities, and a plethora of worldwide investment vehicles have purchased toxic garbage, and many risk collapsing under the weight of such. As this has happened, unregulated, over-the-counter derivatives have allowed the same criminals to secretly hedge bets against portfolios – knowing full well that many of them would indeed go sour – and when credit events occur, they collect truly absurd bounties. Accordingly, Gerald is no fan of derivatives. “They are ponzi schemes,” he said, before quipping that the term should really be “Madoffs” from now on. “Ponzi was a piker compared to Madoff, [which] is more appropriate, because they make off with all your money.”

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My favorite theory about "Paranormal"

The Blogsquatcher: LIVING ANOMALY excerpt continues..
For a good portion of the populace -- well, that is, of those who are even aware of bigfoot at all -- the creature in question must either be a large primate, fully flesh and blood, or it doesn’t exist. But there are as many different explanations for bigfoot as there are people willing to explain it. I have gathered a few theories for our perusal here, each considering the question from a different point of view, and only one of which requires bigfoot to be a simple animal.
These different viewpoints are largely philosophical, and to really examine them would send us down a rabbit hole from which we might never emerge, and even if we did, we’d not be much wiser than we are now -- indeed, we’d be much more puzzled. Such is the nature of philosophy. But, speaking broadly, the four categories of explanation for bigfoot in which I am interested are psychological, flesh and blood, paranormal, and trans-dimensional.
The psychological explanation is most often offered in passing, usually in skeptical articles and publications, but it does not seem to be a well developed theory within bigfoot research. It certainly does not seem to have a champion. Note that the psychological explanation does not posit that bigfoot experiencers are crazy, only that the experience is not what it seems to be.
Briefly outlined, the psychological theory holds that humans have a need to believe in large hairy primates, and that this need will cause them to, in some cases, misinterpret encounters with ordinary animals, and in other cases, imagine the encounters entirely. This explanation has the advantage of explaining just why bigfoot-like creatures are seen the world over. Wherever people are found, there is bigfoot too. But it does not deal very well with physical evidence, nor with certain other features in bigfoot accounts. If it’s all in the head, then why do we find footprints, hair, scat, and other physical signs? The usual rebuttal is that such evidence as is found, and admittedly it is not much, is faked. I do not think this rebuttal is very persuasive. But it’s a serious objection and it must be met. In meeting it, I think of researchers like Peter Byrne (I had him playing the villain earlier so I’ll have him as hero here), who tells the story of going, on a whim, up high in a mountain range and finding footprints there. Since he had not planned to go, and no one could have guessed that he would go there, if they were faked, the footprints cannot have been faked for his benefit. Someone would have had to have gone there, very far in the wilderness and very high up, and planted the prints, without leaving any other evidence of their fakery, and without being sure that anyone would ever find them. This is but one example of many I could use.
It would seem the existence of physical evidence would be pretty much fatal to the psychological theory. This is true for the sense in which the psychological explanation is usually offered. I can imagine a line of reasoning that descends from Jungian archetypes that would dispose of the “evidence” objection, because the namesake of that theory, famed psychologist Carl Jung, proposed that archetypes are real things that can actually interact with our reality.
There is some evidence that something like Jung's system of archetypes really does exist somewhere in our minds, and that we all share similar symbols, even in the forms of animals, or half man, half animal beings. I'm talking about the effect brought on by certain drugs and substances, such as DMT or Ayahuasca, as has been described in books like Rick Strassman's DMT: The Spirit Molecule, or Graham Hancock's Supernatural. Since the experience with these drugs also includes encounters with strange creatures, it is not a stretch to suppose, or at least speculate, that bigfoot experiences, which often have markers of "high strangeness" anyway, might be a result of altered states of consciousness, where our minds call forth an archetypal image, in much the way that fortean researcher John Keel used to theorize. They are here for fleeting moments, and then gone, called forth somehow by our own minds, and having their reality mostly inside it, but somehow also participating in the physical, however briefly.
This is an interesting diversion, but I really see this as little different, in a practical sense, from the trans-dimensional theory, so I will not include any of this Jungian business in my designation of the psychological explanation. And it must be said that the people who usually offer the psychological explanation would not have any traffic with Jungian theories anyway. Without something akin to Jung’s collective unconscious, however, I see little hope for the psychological theory in the face of physical evidence. Proponents will no doubt see the fact that such physical evidence as is found is remarkably weak as enough to keep their theory alive.
The most popular theory among enthusiasts for bigfoot’s existence would be, of course, that bigfoot is a living, flesh and blood creature with quite ordinary characteristics. An animal like any other animal. There are difficulties with this theory too. It does nothing to explain some of the odder characteristics of bigfoot encounters. Recently bigfoot researchers have found that adding a capacity for bigfoot to use infrasound can cover many of these. (We will discuss this in more detail in just a moment.) But infrasound will not help in all cases. For one thing, it probably does not account for the self-luminous eyes that bigfoot is commonly reported to have, and it has no answer for how a bigfoot can leave a line of footprints that stop in the middle of nowhere, with no sign of how the creature progressed from that spot, and many other anomalous features of many bigfoot reports. The theory likewise has no easy explanation for why we should not have convincing evidence of bigfoot’s existence by now. As was noted, we have had more than fifty years of searching and have very little to show for our pains. So that is our second category, and in drawing it up please note that I have been silent on whether bigfoot would be an ape or more closely related to humans. That's an interesting question, but we're not close to being able to answer it yet.
A small but not insignificant number of bigfoot researchers believe that bigfoot is a paranormal creature. They hold that bigfoot has magical properties that allow it to appear and disappear at will, to read our thoughts and speak to us telepathically, and to change physical form. This belief descends from folk beliefs the world over, but is particularly reflected in Native American beliefs about bigfoot. If the paranormal theory is true, this would suggest to me that the universe is not actual, but simulated, like a vast video game. As crazy as that sounds, there are theories in physics that postulate that this could indeed be the case. But those who hold to the paranormal theory do not, in general, go so far as to construct a theory of how the world could allow such things. They simply believe there are creatures with god-like magical abilities, without attempting to explain how that would be possible.
Those who hold that bigfoot is a trans-dimensional creature have slightly firmer theoretical grounds to stand on, at least in terms of accepted science. This is not surprising, as the trans-dimensional theory is essentially the paranormal theory with the added benefit of a scientific explanation. As Clarke’s third law postulates, “Any sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from magic.” I find that Michio Kaku's book Parallel Worlds has a concise illustration of the "extra dimensional" theory and it's implications. (Before we get to Dr. Kaku’s elucidation of the theory, we should recall that the current form of string theory, called "M Theory," posits that reality must have 10 or 11 dimensions, not just the 3 plus time that we experience right now. String theory may not be correct at all, but I think at least it shows that scientists take multidimensionality seriously.)
Kaku begins his discussion by recalling the famous HG Wells novel, The Invisible Man. In it, Wells shows that having access to the 4th dimension would allow one to become invisible. And Kaku goes on to say: MORE

Friday, October 09, 2009

"Wartime president" wins the Nobel.....

Why not? the moron carter got it for going to Israel. Look what a success that is.

Obama Accepts Nobel Peace Prize as 'Call to Action' -
President Barack Obama said Friday that he is honored to win the Nobel Peace Prize and will accept it as a "call to action" to work with other nations to solve the world's most pressing problems.

Appearing in the Rose Garden, Mr. Obama acknowledged he was "both surprised and deeply humbled" to win the award. In a surprise pick, the Norwegian Nobel Committee cited the president's creation of a "new climate in international politics" and his work on nuclear disarmament.

Mr. Obama said he doesn't view the award "as a recognition of my own accomplishments," but rather as a recognition of goals he has set for the U.S. and the world. Mr. Obama said, "I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many transformative figures that have been honored by this prize."

But, he said, "I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations to confront the challenges of the 21st century.''

The Nobel decision makes Mr. Obama, 48 years old, the third U.S. president to win the prize while in office, after Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Mr. Obama's win comes 45 years after the prize was awarded to Martin Luther King Jr., the last African-American to win it

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

This is for my brother Al.....

And you thought the Depression was bad!

'2012' Trailer HD

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Told you so.....

It's not much of a danger of stealing your money but your id. Most people can't live without their credit.

Of course if you have lousy credit use any browser you want, heh heh.

Paypal SSL Certificate Hole | Technibble
Paypal SSL Certificate Hole
Your Blogmaster is:


Lee is a computer enthusiast and technology writer.

Paypal users are being advised to switch browsers if they are using either Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Safari. They should use Mozilla’s Firefox instead to protect themselves from an SSL Certificate vulnerability.

The bug was reported nine weeks ago but Microsoft has not fixed the problem yet. The hole exists in CryptoAPI. The article at The Register notes that a tool called SSLSniff can cause all of the three browsers to display spoofed pages.

“We’re working to see if there are any technical workarounds on the PayPal side which can be put into place,” said a Paypal spokeswoman.

Monday, October 05, 2009

I'm using Windows seven today.....

Kind of weird after using Linux Mint for so long. But since i found a free download to try, I couldn't resist. I'm still trying to figure out why anyone with a internet connection or a library card would ever waste money on this junk. Plenty of operating systems out there for free. Linux being the most well known.

Other than new people in computing, most people realize they can do anything on the computer for free. It used to be that you couldn't play games without Windows but now it's cheaper and easier to buy a PlayStation and go at it. Everything else (play music, browse the web, office stuff, printing, etc.) is available.

Maybe they just need viruses and spy ware to keep computer techs busy? I haven't had this problem in quite a while since I prefer to use non window systems to use on the internet. In other words, to browse websites , especially banks, is asking for it.

Something called Identity theft, if I remember correctly.

But in order to run Magic Jack for our home phone I need to leave windows running on Patti's computer until they port it to Linux.

Oh well,  how's the Oba mama's recovery working for you?

Friday, October 02, 2009

No!!! Didn't I tell you so?..

Heh heh.

Putting the car industry on welfare sure is working. Next thing you know our insurance industry will get it.In the Roman world this was usually referred to as  "Cui Bono", who benefits. 

In other words, who gets the payback for bailing out these political favorites. Why else would the gang who runs our Empire go through all this bullshit.

In order to keep their cushy jobs (and cradle to grave insurance coverage) and a guaranteed position in life for their children they sell you and me down the river.

Of course we need to make continuous war and have constant crisis to keep it going. Eventually the rot sets in and they get murdered and a new gang takes over.

Nothing new here. Just politics as usual.

No Cash for American Clunkers « Blog
No Cash for American Clunkers
Posted by Karen De Coster on October 1, 2009 08:20 PM

Apropos my article on Cash for Clunkers from yesterday, here’s some follow-up to support my points. September sales for GM were down 45% and for Chrysler the number was 42%. When the government stopped subsidizing the purchase of cars, people stopped purchasing them—a point made very clear in my article. I also pointed out the distortion in the used car market. Yesterday the Wall Street Journal reported on the rise in prices of used automobiles—that is, the ones left over that weren’t destroyed by government decree:

One widely followed measure of used-car prices, the 14-year-old Manheim Used Vehicle Value Index, will likely hit a record when data for September are released in early October, says Thomas Webb, chief economist for Manheim Consulting, a subsidiary of Cox Enterprises Inc.