Friday, July 31, 2009

Welfare for car dealers.....

Cash for clunkers is off to a roaring start. Anyone with good credit, job, and an old piece of shit for a car can trade it in for a new one and get a big welfare check.

What happens when we run out of junkers and customers that qualify?

Why just make everybody and their junkers qualify. Then give everyone a check to buy two cars.

Hell why not? Welfare works to keep the cigarette and beer guys in business doesn't it?

And don't forget the farmers. Where would they be with out handouts, hmm?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Walmart had a bad quarter....

Sales down about 10%. Company had to cut everybody's hours next week to make the quarter look better for Wall Street.

Wouldn't want the suckers to see even Wally World is startint to hurt.

Wait til unemployment hits 12 %, heh heh.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Wait til you see the bill for this baby.....

We'll be paying through the nose for this little Dem fraud. Can't wait. First tax "the rich" who'll take it out of our ass. Then soak us because the rich will be able to buy their way out. Then pass the buck to the Government anyways because we'll all be unemployed.

Call it "soak the foreigners". After all they have our money.

Almost Daily Rant: Cap and Trade - Another Fraud
The Waxman-Markley American Clean Air and Security Act of 2009 (ACES), cleverly paraded as an earth-saving, energy independence bill that lowers pollution, is a draconian measure of taxation and government control.

The sad irony for me is that this bill will make it more difficult for the average person to transition to a lifestyle less dependent on centralized systems in order to deal with the converging crisis of our times – many of which, such as energy, food and fresh water shortages are environmental. In years to come, we face enough scarcity as it is, and the current subsidies that keep prices artificially low are unsustainable.

For decades government manipulation, from tax incentives to military interventions to irresponsible monetary policy has destroyed real market signals resulting in years of privatized gains and socialized costs at the expense of the average person and the environment.

Now we are believe that the solution is to give the EPA czar-like authority and a pollution permit allocation scheme that will continue to socialize costs through trickle down taxation.

Once again, in great haste the House of Representatives has scrambled to pass a bill with huge implications without having the chance to digest, analyze and summarize the 1200-page proposal, which was being revised up until the final minutes before the July 4th break.

It happened with the Patriot Act, then TARP and now ACES.

If bills were actually good for the population, then there would be no rush to push them onto the floor. But, since an informed electorate is the worst enemy of proponents of this type of legislation, they had to act fast before Americans had a chance to absorb the huge implications under cover of a constant deluge of Michael Jackson tributes in the media.

I usually avoid the global warming debate because even if humans do contribute to global warming, a combination of slowing population growth in the developed world and peaking out of easily accessible oil, natural gas and coal will offset the effects. If you do want to debate the science a growing number of scientists and Americans in general dispute the impacts of manmade warming. Even if you are are an advocate of global warming, then you know that the impacts of the bill on climate in the best case are negligible.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm sticking with Japanese junk.....

Can you believe it? In the 70's no one bought "Jap Junk."

You think selling these companies to foreigners will do any good?

Heh heh.

Of course we can always buy a car from Oba mama at GM.

Substandard Chrysler « Blog
The “New” Chrysler will be every bit as bad - no worse! - than the “Old” Chrysler. I’m still looking and thinking about that new vehicle, when the time is right, and none of my first 5, 10, … or 100 choices are an American-made car. Now, that door of possibility - if there was one - is slammed forever. I’ve been driving a 2003 PT Cruiser lately, to get from here to there, and, as usual, it’s been nothing but problems. Two issues in particular show me how unbelievably incompetent this company is. When I first bought the car (used) in magnificent condition, I bought new Pirelli tires and I noticed they kept getting low on air, and eventually, I could no longer keep the left front tire from going flat. Problem? I took it to two tire dealers, and both guys I talked to knew exactly what it was when they saw the PT with the factory chrome wheels. The PT Limitied Edition has a long, sordid history of the chrome wheels being defective in that the clear coat chips off the inside of the wheel, causing big, rusty, cracked flakes to gather between the wheel and tire, flattening the tire. I’ve been told it’s a massively common problem, even with PTs newer than mine. It happens to almost anyone with the PT and factory chrome wheels. They kept shaving the wheels until finally I had to go out and buy new ones.

Monday, July 13, 2009

How's Ob's economy coming along?.......

See any green shoots at your house? Unemployment at official 9.5%. 7 more banks bite the dust. Banks holding foreclosure moratoriums. (Not enough manpower to do them anyways.)
Walmart cutting hours as sales slide.

At this rate we'll all be in the poor house by Christmas. Next thing you know they'll have to send us another check.

Make mine a million, please.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Bankruptcy has it's attractions....

Screw them all. Next thing you know they'll be taxing themselves out of existence.

Not a bad thought.

By the way having internet problems right now. Need new company.

oftwominds: Devolution: 20 Predictions
As cities, counties and states default on their obligations and unemployment insurance runs out, devolution sets in.

While some see a collapse of society in our future, right now I see devolution, not revolution. Devolution is both the process of degeneration and the surrender of governmental powers from central authorities to local authorities.

Devolution will take many forms. The key driver behind devolution is simple: there's not enough money to fund the status quo, so something has to be cut, axed, trimmed or devolved. Examples already abound: the number of school days in the year are reduced to shave expenses, two-times-a-week trash pickup is cut to once a week, etc.

The key constraint on devolution is also simple: the status quo power structure must be left intact. Nobody will willingly surrender their power, so devolution means services and front-end expenses will be cut in order to protect back-end administrative powers.

Thus public union bosses won't be suffering any big cuts in pay or benefits, and neither will their municipal and state administration counterparts. (Of course there will be symbolic cuts for PR purposes, but nothing deep.) What will be cut is part-time librarians, custodians, county park staff, etc.--the powerless people who actually serve the public.

As the states run out of money, they will surrender some limited powers to local authorities as a mechanism for ridding their budgets of certain costs. As cities and counties go broke, then they will devolve some modest authority to non-profit groups or volunteers.