I was about to change my mind about retiring to the Sun shine State, but thankfully my animals will be safe. After all You never know about the people who hang out there.
Hell my brother even drinks occasionally and you know what that means. And nobody needs to add to the crime down there by dragging extra cats along.
Unless we take them to a vet. And you know what that means.

Hell my brother even drinks occasionally and you know what that means. And nobody needs to add to the crime down there by dragging extra cats along.
Unless we take them to a vet. And you know what that means.
Florida to outlaw sex with animals!
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- Having sex with animals could soon be outlawed in Florida.
The Senate unanimously passed a bill (SB 448) Tuesday that would make it a third degree felony for anyone to have sex with an animal. A similar bill in the House has not been debated on the floor.
Florida is one of 16 states without a law banning bestiality.
The bill sponsored by Sen. Nan Rich, D-Weston, D-Weston, would make the offense a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five years in prison. The Florida law would not apply to veterinary practices.
According to the national Humane Society, several studies highlight a link between sexual assault of animals and sex crimes against humans.