Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ob promises 10 a week stimulus......

Gas goes up 10 bucks a week......Yay. Vote democrat.

Yea right.

Don't worry His Highness will be reelected since no one in their right mind will vote for any of these gangsters in  office, any office, again.

Soon the rest of the bad loans come due. Trillions! No one has a solution that saves the rich thieving bastards except printing and borrowing. This has never worked in the past.

Maybe OB is special. Economics no longer apply. In a few years we'll have nice roads and bridges built by union labor.

Of course no one will be able to afford 30 bucks a gallon to use them.

Buy food now. Pay down your debts so you can qualify for the bargains after we get rid of these nut jobs in charge. Polish up your shotgun as the cities go nuts.

Even the illegals are going home. Heh heh.
Gas prices: Up 14% for the month - Jan. 31, 2009 (NEW YORK) -- Gasoline prices edged higher Saturday and are now 14% higher from where they started the month, according to a daily survey of credit card swipes.

The price of gas hit a national average of $1.855 a gallon, up slightly from $1.846 a gallon on Friday, according to motorist group AAA. Prices have been on an upward trajectory for most of the month, starting January some 23 cents lower at $1.626 a gallon.

Friday, January 30, 2009

10$ a week......

Yea the criminals who destroyed your job gets billions...

You get 10 bucks a week.

Gas prices up....10 bucks a week.

Don't spend it all at once. You're going to need it on the unemployment line.

Oh .... Keep voting, sucker.
How stimulus affects you - Your paycheck (2) -

For the unemployed:
$43 billion for increased unemployment benefits. Weekly benefits will go up by $25 a week and the amount of time the unemployed may claim them will be extended by at least 20 weeks, plus another 13 weeks for those in high-unemployment states.

$39 billion for expanded health care benefits for the unemployed. The federal government will reimburse states to extend Medicaid coverage for the jobless through Dec. 31, 2010. For those who want to keep their old employer's insurance plan, the government will subsidize their Cobra payments - paying 65% up to 12 months. Cobra eligibility will be extended for some groups of workers.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Got Guns?

Expect a total media blackout of this story. How dare an Armed citizen prevent a mass killing in a hospital?===========

Confirmed: There was a shooting incident in Glasgow, Montana On Saturday (1-17-09) afternoon. Besides the shooter, one Person was killed and two were injured. Police locked down The community, warned people to lock doors and stay inside, And followed a blood trail which eventually led to the Deceased shooter.

Unconfirmed but probable: The shooter made his attack at a Local hospital and killed a female Emergency Medical Technician. Scott Billingsly was present because his wife Works at the hospital. Scott has a Montana concealed weapon Permit, was armed, and engaged the shooter in defense of Himself and others. Scott was injured in the hand and Scott's wife was also injured. The shooter was seriously Injured and was driven off by Scott's armed engagement of The shooter. The seriously wounded shooter sought shelter, Leaving the blood trail that law enforcement followed, Where they found the shooter dead of a possibly Self-inflicted gunshot wound.

The people of Glasgow who know these details are highly Thankful that an armed citizen was present and able to Interdict the killer before he could kill more than the one Person murdered, possibly saving the lives of many other Hospital employees.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Got Guns?

Expect a total media blackout of this story. How dare an Armed citizen prevent a mass killing in a hospital?===========

Confirmed: There was a shooting incident in Glasgow, Montana On Saturday (1-17-09) afternoon. Besides the shooter, one Person was killed and two were injured. Police locked down The community, warned people to lock doors and stay inside, And followed a blood trail which eventually led to the Deceased shooter.

Unconfirmed but probable: The shooter made his attack at a Local hospital and killed a female Emergency Medical Technician. Scott Billingsly was present because his wife Works at the hospital. Scott has a Montana concealed weapon Permit, was armed, and engaged the shooter in defense of Himself and others. Scott was injured in the hand and Scott's wife was also injured. The shooter was seriously Injured and was driven off by Scott's armed engagement of The shooter. The seriously wounded shooter sought shelter, Leaving the blood trail that law enforcement followed, Where they found the shooter dead of a possibly Self-inflicted gunshot wound.

The people of Glasgow who know these details are highly Thankful that an armed citizen was present and able to Interdict the killer before he could kill more than the one Person murdered, possibly saving the lives of many other Hospital employees.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Politics is back.......

Waste of time. If you've seen one politician you've seen them all. Repub or Dem makes no difference.

They've all been bought!!!
And Rightly So!

I Won. Therefore, I AM. A Child.

Posted by Raven on January 24th, 2009

So much for striving for a united, bi partisan government. Politics as usual, maybe…

Except, I don’t think we’ve ever seen such examples of childish behavior, words and phrases.

During his private meeting with congressional Democrats and Republicans on Friday, President Obama ended a philosophical debate over tax policy with the simple declaration that his opinion prevailed because “I won.”

Democrats called it a light-hearted moment that drew laughs around the table. Republicans said there was laughter but couldn’t recall if any of it came from their ranks.

Of course the Democrats laughed. Why shouldn’t they? After all, they rule the houses now. They don’t need Republicans anymore. At least not right now.

Obama invoked conservative talk radio host Rush Limbaugh in a discussion about the danger of allowing partisan differences block progress on the stimulus bill, which currently costs $825 billion.

Leaders don’t make threats and issue innuendo. Leaders bring people together, through common goals; leaders respect differences of opinion…they seek it, they listen, and seriously consider. Oh wait, I forgot. Obama is not a leader…skill wise. He’s a child. Who resorts to childish antics. He is making a game out of the economy and the playground is his office. How mature a man he really is.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Global economy will save us all.....

Anyone remember Pat Buchanan and Ross Perot warning people this would happen? We were sold out by rich, greedy con artists that globalism (shipping our manufacturing overseas ) would be Nirvana.

Democrats and Republicans sold us this horse shit by the barrel. No need to drill our own oil. Don't worry about all that sucking sound you here of trillions of future wealth heading for Mexico and China.

We even got the commies to fall in to our "one big happy economy."

Yea right. Now any country that catches  a cold causes  every other country to die from Pneumonia.

The best definition of Depression would be when every country is in recession.

Guess what?

But, what can a guy do? Most of us depend on "service jobs". Selling Chinese trinkets and toys to each other. Or lending people money they can't afford to pay back.

The rest of us get a government check. Now there's a losing proposition. We'd have to take over all the oil producing countries to pay those off.

However who's going to need to do that when world trade is collapsing around our ears and no one will have to drive.

I think right now the genius' in charge saw Obama coming. Poor bastard.

If he can wave the magic wand and save the world even I will pray to him.

Anyways we have rioting going on all over Europe and soon all those Islamic immigrants are going to tear up the cities.

Trouble is for them who needs to hire these people ?

I'm now stocking up on canned food and beans. I  need to get a new rifle and prepare for deer hunting in the future. Already a guy at work is going to show me the secrets of ice fishing. Cat food getting expensive so the kitties will be on a fish diet.

Me too.

Don't expect a lot of beef being bought for awhile. Corn prices went nuts last summer and someone has to pay for it. Probably the beef lots will have to be bailed out by the government because we know what will happen if we can't feed the inner city mobs who can't even spell Obama's name.

The gangsters in charge never learn that promising people something for nothing means everyone gets nothing.

Check out how the world is going below.
Downturn Accelerates As It Circles The Globe -

The world economy is deteriorating more quickly than leading economists predicted only weeks ago, with Britain yesterday becoming the latest nation to surprise analysts with the depth of its economic pain.

Britain posted its worst quarterly contraction since 1980 on the heels of sharper than expected slowdowns reported from Germany to China to South Korea. The grim data, analysts said, underscores how the burst of the biggest credit bubble in history is seeping into the real economies around the world, silencing construction cranes, bankrupting businesses and throwing millions of people out of work.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Could someone have done this to us?.....

Unexplained Mysteries :: Humans are reason for varied animal coats

Humans are reason for varied animal coats
Posted on Thursday, 22 January, 2009 | 5:27 | Comments: 0

Humans have actively changed the coats of domestic animals by cherry-picking rare genetic mutations, causing variations such as different colours, bands and spots, according to a new study.

The study on wild and domestic pigs by Uppsala and Durham Universities, published today in the open access journal PLoS Genetics, reveals that the genetic changes happened over thousands of years.

The study also explains for the first time why there is a stark contrast between the coat colours of wild and domestic animals and gives further insight into the process of evolution, particularly since animals were first domesticated about 10,000 years ago.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hail hail the gangs all here....

Need more tax cheats in charge of the IRS. I'm surprised anybody noticed. After all the Clinton gang is now back in power. You know all the scandals they got into.

My guess is soon the only ones who will pay taxes are government employees because the rest of us will be unemployed.

Or in jail for tax evasion.

So to pay for all these schemes they have to take back all those pensions the government gave away for working for the crooks in Washington.

Of course the vets might object. They killed people for those checks after all.

The geezers are broke so they gave their houses away to the banks for reverse mortgages to pay for golf and bingo.

So much for the estate taxes.

The foreigners are tapped out. Free trade sucked them in to Madoff schemes and they are all losing their asses. Seen them on TV throwing yogurt at their leaders. Poor bastards have to waste good food on the sons a bitches.

Pretty soon we'll have to steal the money to bail them out too.

That means the gang in Washington will have to take over a small oil producing country!

It will have to be small because they wouldn't want to get their asses kicked.

We still remember Jimmy Carter getting whipped by a rabbit.

Then again I'm still trying to figure out what government job would I qualify for?

After all, I like to work!

Standing around scratching your ass and bitching about benefits is a drag.

Especially when someone screws up and works through their break.

Then again, Walmart will probably be the only place left to shop so I'm probably safe until they bring in another 10 million Mexicans to take our place.

W.C. Varones Blog: B of A - Merrill paid early bonuses while extorting taxpayers

Good riddance to Hank Paulson. If only his replacement weren't Tim Geithner. And not because Geithner is a tax cheat. He was president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as the banks under his watch were taking on outrageous leverage to load up on toxic assets. And he was Vice Chairman of Greenspan's Open Market Committee that created the housing bubble. It's like nominating the captain of the Exxon Valdez to run the Environmental Protection Agency.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

David Mink should know......

In poker we have an expression that always hits the nail on the head....never throw good money after bad. These banks are broke and need to be dismantled. Good loans need to be kept and bad need to be liquidated.

But mostly we need to take back our credit system from the gangsters who got us into this mess. If Obama can do that he will become a hero and get all of our votes.

Since most everyone in government seems to be involved one way or another, I aint betting on it. Instead he'll give them more and more money destroying any chance of permanently fixing the problem.

Too many people in Washington have been on the take. They feel Ob is just another body to fill the office. Time will tell if putting off the reform needed will last more than his first term.

In less than 10 years we have 80 or 90 million senior citizens drawing checks and cashing out their 401k's, (most of these people are technically bankrupt) the stock market disappears and the economy falls on its face starved for investment funds for business growth.

Not closing out loser financial entities compounds the problem. And not having any control of our money that went over seas will simply come back to bite us in the ass.

Basically it means getting a handle on our overseas cash flow deficits from buying more goods than we produce and especially sending 400 billion a year offshore to our enemies in the oil producing countries.
Until we get control of our oil supply, by conquering, conserving, replacing or drilling, we are owned by these guys lock, stock, and barrel.

No country in history has ever survived under these conditions with out war.

Trust me.
Conversation with the Author

I have known most of the world’s central bankers in recent decades, including Paul Volcker, Alan Greenspan, and Ben Bernanke. All would admit the power of the central bank is rapidly diminishing. Worse, in the case of the United States, interest rates have increasingly become a captive of global financial forces. To a certain extent, therefore, Americans are no longer in complete control of their own monetary policy. That is why central banks, led by the Fed, have become a kind of grand global theater. Because the world’s ocean of capital is so huge and powerful, the central bankers have had no choice but to become the lead actors. They use their dramatic skills to try to tease, persuade, charm, and bluff the markets. And of course the Lawrence Olivier of this process was Alan Greenspan. It’s not quite like The Wizard of Oz with the little man behind the curtain pulling the levers, but the analysis is not completely off the mark. In the end, the incredible shrinking of central bank influence over financial markets is a primary reason the world is curved.

So what’s the future of the world financial system?

The financial world is still a dangerous place. That’s because the world is flirting with moving away from the last quarter-century’s model of globalization and free-flowing capital markets toward something more reminiscent of the nineteenth-century mercantilist economic model. What I’m describing is an era of backroom rivalries, deal making, and tensions based on ambitious national political agendas with capital flows, and commodities led by oil, increasingly controlled by governments. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to see the picture emerging: financial wealth and power are moving away from the United States, Europe, and Japan.

What does this shift mean for the United States in particular, for the jobs and savings of average Americans?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Make my day........

Lost their asses. Ha ha. Why am I so happy these bloodsuckers got theirs. Remember these guys declared war on us when Jimmy was president. They all should have been bombed and we could have replaced most of their oil with nuke power and belt tightening.

Now we have to periodically conquer a small oil company. We already did it to Iraq. Twice.

Iran was ours until "79 when these people declared war on the hapless Jimmy Carter and he cried in the White House on TV.

Then he gave away the Panama Canal and the voters decided this guy was such a wimp even a Hollywood "B" actor would do a good job.

Then the enemy headed for the tall grass and sent there kids with bombs strapped to their asses into the world to make the world safe for Allah .

Make no mistake, these are the enemy. And our children and grandchildren will kill or be killed by them.

With our money!!! Worldwide

Jan. 17 (Bloomberg) -- The global financial meltdown has cost Arab nations $2.5 trillion in four months and led to 60 percent of development projects in the Persian Gulf region being put off or scrapped, Kuwait’s foreign minister said.

“This just shows the huge damage caused by the crisis,” Sheikh Mohammed Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, also Kuwait’s acting oil minister, said yesterday at a news conference during the Arab Economic Summit in Kuwait City.

Oil has tumbled 75 percent from a July high, as the global economy sank into recession, straining budgets of crude exporters. Saudi Arabia, Oman and Dubai, the second-largest sheikdom in the United Arab Emirates, say they’ll run deficits next year as low prices squeeze revenue. Also, sovereign wealth funds have been hurt by falling stock markets. The New York- based Council on Foreign Relations estimates a fund held by Abu Dhabi, the largest sheikdom in the UAE, lost $125 billion.

“It’s not in the interests of the global economy for oil prices to collapse or have huge increases,” Sheikh Mohammed said. “There should be stability to oil prices.”

Kuwait appointed Sheikh Mohammed acting oil minister on Jan. 12 as the third-largest OPEC producer formed its fifth cabinet since February 2006 after opposition lawmakers forced the previous government to resign.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ob's now president......


The Audacity of Hype by Gary North

The Medicare Act of 1965 made it impossible to avoid a national default. The numbers are horrendous. Occasionally, a subcommittee of Congress invites an economist to come and testify on this. The testimony gets no publicity. The committee chairman thanks the economist, who then returns to obscurity.

This fiscal year, the combined unfunded liability of Social Security and Medicare will be in the range of $75 trillion. No one in government notices, other than Ron Paul and a few similarly minded House members. No one cares. Such numbers are considered naïve. They are only numbers. Numbers above $1 billion do not register mentally. Parkinson told us this during Eisenhower's Administration. Nothing has changed.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Don't let the Socialist fool you.....

Reganomics worked until Republicans became Liberals on fiscal policy. (As well as making war on non oil producing countries.)

Some of us can remember Carter crying in the White House over mean Iranians and OPEC nut jobs holding our embassy employees hostage. 

Or paying %16 interest on a new house.

How about driving our business overseas.

Carter started the Empire moving off shore and Clinton finished it. Our Oil industry was destroyed by these nut jobs, remember?

No body could seriously expect our businesses to stick around and be abused by the left wing green policies  and their sycophants in the Media.

 Now days going into business is practically an exercise in futility after all the regs, rules, tax commitments you have to take on.

You have to go underground to get ahead then worry about the Government stealing everything you own.

Making it on wages will get tougher in the future because of all these deficits that have to be paid.

Expect sales taxes (including a national tax) to explode as soon as this borrowing takes effect.

Somebody has to pay.

Look in the mirror.
The American Spectator : Obama's Race to the Past

On regulation, Reagan specifically campaigned in 1980 on unleashing the private sector to produce more energy supplies to counter the energy crisis of his day. He did so soon after entering office, and the price of oil and natural gas plunged and remained low for over 25 years. If we did the same today, if we removed needless regulatory barriers to increased oil and gas and nuclear energy production, we would enjoy booming energy industries that contributed mightily to the economy. We would also boost the entire economy, but particularly manufacturing, with low cost, reliable supplies of energy.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Want to go into business?......

Are you nuts?

Here in King County they passed a 'growth ordinance' back in 1993. People who had owned 5 acre tracts of land to the east of the Seattle suburbs suddenly found that all they could do was build ONE house on those five acre tracts. No more subdividing the land. The tree-huggers in Seattle were all full of glee about it -- though they will never even visit these areas in their lifetime. The idea was to 'protect' this area from too much growth and 'save' it. The end result was to significantly drive up home prices in the County, drive gowth MUCH further out, and either make housing less affordable or commutes longer and more expensive.

But it gets worse. I have friends who own some of these now minimum 5 acre tracts. Want to cut a tree down? Good luck. The county takes aerial photos (in detail) and compares them periodically. Cut a few trees and find yourself facing stiff fines. Fill in a puddle larger than 5 feet across and you may be cited for wetland destruction.

And forget about cutting invasive weeds like blackberry, since that is now considered 'natural habitat'. Of your five acres, you really get to use no more than 1/3 of it, and the rest has to stay they way it is/was. What sense does all this make? One of them has tried to get a permit to do a little work on their property. The county has neither denied it nor approved it -- a common occurance.

The county follows a path of passive-aggresive response to growth. Do nothing. In the meantime my friends have spent many thousands of doallars in submission fees seeking approval that may never come as there is no downside to doing nothing. I told them to start showing up in person EVERY DAY at the permit offices demanding either approval or denail. This way they can either get going, or sue for lack of approval on no real basis.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Don't let the Socialist fool you.....

Reganomics worked until Republicans became Liberals on fiscal policy. (As well as making war on non oil producing countries.)

Some of us can remember Carter crying in the White House over mean Iranians and OPEC nut jobs holding our embassy employees hostage. 

Or paying %16 interest on a new house.

How about driving our business overseas.

Carter started the Empire moving off shore and Clinton finished it. Our Oil industry was destroyed by these nut jobs, remember?

No body could seriously expect our businesses to stick around and be abused by the left wing green policies  and their sycophants in the Media.

 Now days going into business is practically an exercise in futility after all the regs, rules, tax commitments you have to take on.

You have to go underground to get ahead then worry about the Government stealing everything you own.

Making it on wages will get tougher in the future because of all these deficits that have to be paid.

Expect sales taxes (including a national tax) to explode as soon as this borrowing takes effect.

Somebody has to pay.

Look in the mirror
The American Spectator : Obama's Race to the Past

On regulation, Reagan specifically campaigned in 1980 on unleashing the private sector to produce more energy supplies to counter the energy crisis of his day. He did so soon after entering office, and the price of oil and natural gas plunged and remained low for over 25 years. If we did the same today, if we removed needless regulatory barriers to increased oil and gas and nuclear energy production, we would enjoy booming energy industries that contributed mightily to the economy. We would also boost the entire economy, but particularly manufacturing, with low cost, reliable supplies of energy.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Bad bank my ass.......

Read carefully...... Need "bad bank" to buy up bad assets of the banking crash. Funded by taxpayers. Hmmmm... One big bad bank buying all the worlds assets? Wow. How do you control it? If I'm a Green do I get a car loan? House? What if I vote wrong?

No wonder we're all getting paranoid! Worldwide

Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke called for “a comprehensive plan to stabilize the financial system and restore normal flows of credit,” in a Jan. 13 speech in London. He outlined options including a bad bank, “which would purchase assets from financial institutions in exchange for cash and equity.”

Bernanke was in Europe for meetings with his counterparts from the world’s largest central banks to discuss the state of the global economy and financial markets. He met with U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown the next day.

European policy makers are also struggling to restart lending in their region, with some considering purchases of toxic assets. The U.K. and Germany this week announced new programs to guarantee loans to companies.

‘Time Bombs’

“Buying toxic assets from banks is a good thing because I think confidence comes back into the banking system when you are certain -- or more certain -- that you have no time bombs ticking,” said Josef Ackermann, chairman of the Institute of International Finance, the Washington-based group that includes most of the world’s large banks.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

AH the good old days......

Wait until it dawns on people that all the Blue states are bust and Democrats are in charge, and have been, then let's see if OB can survive. He'll be busy taking care of all those broke dick voters. Union bosses, bureaucrats, and various ass kissers.

Need more small oil producing countries to pay for this. No problem!

Tax cuts for everyone. Free tax credits. Debt moratoriums.

Everybody join a union or else! All radio and TV stations get in line and no more government bashing if you want your check.

Yes! let the good times roll.

Can't wait to buy one  or two of these beauties.

Radical cheap: $1,000 homes - Jan. 8, 2009

NEW YORK ( -- The real estate market is so awful that buyers are now scooping up homes for as little as $1,000.

There are 18 listings in Flint, Mich., for under $3,000, according to There are 22 in Indianapolis, 46 in Cleveland and a whopping 709 in Detroit. All of these communities have been hit hard by foreclosures, and most of these homes are being sold by the lenders that repossessed them.

"Foreclosures have turned banks into property management companies," said Heather Fernandez, a spokeswoman for, the real estate Web site. "And it's often cheaper for them to give these homes away rather than try to get market value for them."

In Detroit for instance, Century 21 Villa owner Randy Eissa has a three-bedroom, one-bath bungalow of about 1,000 square feet listed at just $500. It's a nice place with lots of light, but it needs a total rehabilitation inside, which Eissa estimates will cost between $15,000 and $20,000. But that's not bad, considering that the home last sold for $72,000 in late 2007, according to

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The higher interest rate saves housing.......

Sounds counter intuitive but true. Lower rates mean more broke dicks can qualify for more expensive houses. This keeps prices above prudent levels. That is your your monthly payment including tax and insurance should be less than 1/3 gross monthly income .

For instance, average wages are 54000 in California which gives us 4500 a month. Times 1/3 = 1530 a month for total payment. This will buy a house in California for about 275000 after a 55000 down.

Which means you can move into Compton or San Bernadino. On the wrong side of town. For 55 gs down. Assuming average wages are 54000.

I'll take 2.

Even with FHA financing the down would 13750 + 3000 closing cost.

I think prices have a loooooong way to go down, don't you?

I'll stick with mobile homes. I can buy all I want for less than 30000 and have peanuts for rent. I bought mine for 24000, including furniture, for 5000 down, no credit, nothing for expenses. $524 a month 3 years. Lot rent 160 a month. Probably do the same in Florida after the crash eases.

Mobiles can't be financed by banks. Need my credit union to fix me up. With 2 years on the job and 700 credit they beg people to borrow.

Could refi this one after I pay it off this Christmas and by another somewhere. Should be able to borrow 10000 or so for my retirement home.

Time will prove me right when I predict my generation is fucked for retirement. Need a cheap place to live? I have a mobile for you. Couple thousand down and 300 a month + lot rent.

Easy money for me nice place for broke dick senior citizens.

My landlord is 80 years old and buys and sells them year in year out. I used to sell house for others and see a pretty interesting future in doing it for my self. Time will tell.

Realtors hunting for the few fools not yet parted with their money keep insisting that low rates are a good thing for buyers. Not true. Low interest rates make it a bad time to buy.

First of all, house prices move inversely to interest rates. If rates have nowhere to go but up, then prices have nowhere to go but down.

Secondly, anyone buying with an adjustable rate will get a nasty surprise when his rate later increases at the same time that the value of his house has fallen.

Though I suppose if you get a 30-year fixed rate loan and don’t care about resale value because you never plan to leave, then maybe it’s OK to buy and bet that inflation will wipe out most of your loan. Not many signs of inflation yet, so such a bet might not pay off.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

......Be Afraid.... Very Afraid

No government can control the Empire. Once the world's elite got a taste of freedom and the power there is no stopping it. Blaming Bush or the Fed is silly. None of these guys could do much of anything to stop the panic. Only time will cure this.

Everything has to unwind and reset. No one trusts anyone right now.

Especially when the presidential  contest last year scared the piss out of them. OB threatened free trade, remember?

"Protectionism" is terrifying to the greedy bastards. Fuck America is their feelings as far as we can tell.

As far as we're concerned most modern economies are in the same boat: Old people. Feed them or kill them.

 Check out this guy writing 2 years ago.
The Great Depression of 2006: May 2006

The baby boomer's are about to retire. Imagine what will happen when they decide to withdraw money from their retirement accounts because Social Security, just isn't enough.

How about the fund manager, who will notice that more money is leaving the fund than is being deposited. Common sense tells him to sell the dogs in his portfolio and hold on to Google.

Is it my imagination, that the airlines and the auto industry just had a pay cut.

Gasoline and gold doubled in price? Or did we devalue the dollar without telling anyone?

Monday, January 12, 2009

The union Label.............

California. Need to save it. Union money most be saved. Dems can't compete with Repubs with out it. Auto workers, Teachers and don't forget construction unions must be stimulated.

 Yes time to join up and get a job. Who needs store clerks when we can build new highways for all those cars that only teachers will be able to afford to drive.

My daughter Mary will have to go back to teaching. Her husband is already a union construction worker. Should be all right for awhile.

Daughter Tracy will be a surgical tech and stay in the medical field because we will have National health care. (Bet on it!) Her husband will also be in the field shortly.

Jeremy is a supervisor at an airplane plant. Building bush planes for government entities. Should be safe until everybody has one.

Patty and I are OK until everyone moves out of the area. Walmart is here for the duration. Our store is  making $80 million a year here.

See how long it last.

Plan on spending my old age in Florida. May find a mobile home cheap there or a RV.  Should be plenty around.

Even though in the long run Florida will be over run with broke dick Yankees I still think the climate is worth it.

Speaking of which since these people will have to have a place to live I might consider buying trailers for cash and selling them with payments. Good money can be made if done right. My landlord here does it all the time and he's 84 years old.

The American Spectator : Golden Apples

An even larger bill comes in the form of unfunded costs for teacher healthcare deals. School districts -- and ultimately, taxpayers -- will pick up $16 billion in unfunded healthcare payments on behalf of retiring teachers. This includes the $10 billion in as-yet-to-be funded health insurance payments owed by the Los Angeles Unified School District, the nation's second-largest (and most visibly dysfunctional) school district. The tiny Encinitas Union School District near San Diego, which educates a mere 5,600 elementary school children, has $4 billion in unfunded healthcare payments.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I want my check.......

They'll give us the money a few bucks a week and we wont even notice. Still the next stimulus, let's say by Xmas, should be at least $5000.

Then the sky's the limit! - We Don't Need a Stimulus Package - Do This Instead

We Don't Need a Stimulus Package - Do This Instead
President-elect Barack Obama proposed a stimulus package of $800 billion. The proposed package consists of $300 billion in tax cuts and $500 billion in spending.
The tax cuts would be geared at lower and middle income workers in the form of $500 per worker ($1000 for couples) tax credits on your payroll taxes rather than a check sent in the mail. Businesses would receive various tax cuts including some geared at encouraging employers to hire new workers or delay lay-offs. The tax cut portion of the package is geared at recruiting Republican support in Congress. The tax cuts would be greater than the tax cuts enacted by President George W. Bush.
The spending provision focuses on infrastructure such as highway and bridge repair. It would also provide aid to states struggling with declining revenue in the form of expanding health care funding such as paying more of the states Medicare costs. Under consideration is further unemployment benefits and health care coverage for unemployed workers.
Republicans are demanding the aid to states be in the form of loans, rather than grants. They are also demanding a go-slow approach to the bill to allow for enough hearings,and review to catch any waste. Supporters and certain economists say that the stimulus package needs passed quickly to avert further job losses and a deepening of the recession. Initially, Congress hoped to pass a bill by the Inauguration of President Obama, but it appears that a realistic goal is the February recess of Congress instead.
What do you think needs done? Should the stimulus bill be passed quickly basically as currently proposed? Or should Congress take more time? And what provisions would you like to see changed, added or deleted to it? What should be done to stimulate the economy of the United States? Or should nothing be done?

Friday, January 09, 2009

Memo to President OB.......

Send me my check so I can buy supper.

Thanks. Blog: Unemployment Jumps to 7.2%!

Unemployment Jumps to 7.2%!
Posted by Lew Rockwell at January 9, 2009 08:15 AM

That's the headline. In fact, if the government still figured that statistic as it did before the manipulations of Reagan and Clinton, it would be more than 16%, as economist John Williams shows. All government economic statistics have serious theoretical problems, but as Murray Rothbard pointed out, the trend can tell us something, but only if the method remains the same. Government finagles with the method to try to hide its crimes of monetary depreciation and the resulting unemplyment-producing business cycle.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Give them the "fuckin" money.....

Ha ha.

What kind of hand job... oops.. handout can these guys expect? Free rubbers? Mattresses?

Ain't America wonderful?

Meanwhile, A friend of mine who works in a local down town restaurant has two of his paychecks bounce.

Sign of the times I guess.
Adult Entertainment Industry Wants a Bailout -

With the financial industry, auto makers and more getting assistance from the federal government to stay afloat during the recession, the adult industry decided it would try to get something as well.

Girls Gone Wild CEO Joe Francis and “Hustler” magazine publisher Larry Flynt have said they will petition Congress for financial aid along the lines of what the Big Three auto makers are getting.

Francis said that he and Flynt are asking for $5 billion, and that they have sent letters to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Congress and their local Congressman, Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) with the proposal. Rep. Waxman's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

With the $5 billion, they would "invest in building new means of distribution, and shoring up our distribution right now to prevent further erosion from factors like Youporn and other Internet content that has seriously affected our business over the past few years," Francis said in an interview with FOX Business. "We will use the money wisely, and we will create more jobs."

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

It's trucking, stupid.........

Seems to be a lot of food being bought this year. I spent about 500 so far. Shelves at the store are being emptied. Maybe we can't get the stuff. Remains to be seen if we have shortages.

However, I do know our sales have been down from last year over all.

Since Walmart dominates in the area it is the bellwether we have to compare with. Unemployment going up in the area and we ain't going to hire for a long time. I think we are over staffed now. Also, I don't expect any bonuses for the year.

So far the local grocery store, 30 miles from Wally World, has plenty. We'll see how long it last.

It's a thin long line of trucks that feed us.

The Fraud of the Great Moderation

We're headed, it seems, toward a fall "crunch time," and that crunching sound will not be of cheez doodles and taco chips consumed on the sofas of America. I think we're heading into a season of hoarding. As the presidential campaign moves into its final round, Americans may be hard-up for both food and gasoline. On the oil scene, the next event on the horizon is not just higher prices but shortages. Chances are, they will occur first in the Southeast states because oil exports from Mexico and Venezuela feeding the Gulf of Mexico refineries are down more than 30 percent over 2007.

Perhaps more ominous is the discontent on the trucking scene. Truckers are going broke in droves, unable to carry on their business while getting paid $2000 for loads that cost them $3000 to deliver. In Europe last week, enraged truckers paralyzed the food distribution networks of Spain and Portugal. The passivity of U.S. truckers so far has been a striking feature of the general zombification of American life. They might continue to just crawl off one-by-one and die. But it's also possible that, at some point, they'll mount a Night-of-the-Living-Dead offensive and take their vengeance out on "the system" that has brought them to ruin. America has only about a three-day supply of food in any of its supermarkets.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The future as seen so far......

Oil set to go nuts. Gas prices too. Not much help for the Dems. Reid
could be toast as Las Vegas goes bust.

 Jews need to kill everybody over
there and put an end to it. If not they disappear from history in the
Middle East. They are starting now because OB is a fucking Moslem and
can't be trusted very far.

Should see stocks going up for awhile as OB
love sets in. I'm get my credit in shape for all the bargains that will
be around. I haven't borrowed shit until last year. Expect big bargains
as our local unemployment rate here in Idaho hit 11%.

Wait until it hits 30%.

Expect bigger hand out from Dem's this year. Rumor has it at 500$ per adult. Chicken shit. Make it 5000$ coupon for a new truck and I'm in. Why give the money to the union bosses when I will spend it on a new truck for my new business.

We old farts have to look out for our selves for many more years as our retirement money goes to that great black hole called the stock market. Wait to you here the bitching over that when we are to old and crippled to work.

Expect a lot of guns to go off.

Those who forget the Past.....

Russia is again in tough shit. China could implode. Maybe nothing will save the Empire this time. With the governments all over the world cranking up the printing presses we shall see.

Probably  the most interesting 20 years coming up since the fall of Rome. Wonder if historians will be able to scrape up these blogs and  explain it properly:

people are people and will do what they do.
The Daily Reckoning

Beginning in the 19th century, factories in England and New England transformed the value of a working man. Instead of being equal to his counterpart in China or India - as he had been for a thousand years - he suddenly was superior; he could produce more. By the 21st century, the average day laborer in Britain and America earned 10 to 20 times more than his confrere in Asia.

Of course, the English speakers had rivals. They were challenged by other Europeans…and the Japanese. All learned that the same machines that produced wealth could destroy it even faster. The Germans were particularly tenacious competitors. By 1910, their factory output was greater than that of the UK. By 1940, they were trying to blow up England's factories. But England and America ganged up against them. In a couple costly wars in the first half of the 20th century, the Teuton threat was finally crushed.

By 1945, The Anglo-American empire had only one challenger still standing - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Militarily, the USSR was a real menace. But commercially, it was no more than a comic footnote in economic history. At first, the weakness in the Soviet's system was not obvious…especially not to economists. The figures - put out by the USSR - showed rapid growth. But nobody flew to Moscow to buy the latest fashions nor bragged about his Soviet auto. Nor did people hasten to open accounts in Russian banks or seek heart transplants in Soviet hospitals. The Soviets had managed to create a rare thing - a value-subtracting economy. They took valuable raw materials out of the ground and turned them into worthless finished products. If he had a choice, no one would buy soviet-made goods. Every sale made the seller poorer. And the longer this went on, the poorer the Russians got. Finally, the whole system caved in - in 1989, leaving the Anglo-Americans masters of earth, sky and the seven seas.

This next era, 1989-2007, was remarkably pleasing to almost everyone. Even former enemies rushed to stock the empire's shelves and lend it money.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Oil shocks are such a bitch........

Kunstler's forecast 2009

Many were stunned this year to witness the parabolic rise and fall of oil prices up to nearly $150 and then back around $36 by Christmas time. Quite a ride. I said in The Long Emergency that volatility would be the hallmark of post peak oil because it was obvious that advanced economies could not absorb super high prices and would crash in response; that at some point after crashing, these economies would respond to the new lower oil price, resume their cheap oil habits, and build to another price rise. . . and crash again. . . in a declension of ever-lower industrial activity.
What I probably didn't realize at the time was how destructive this cycling between low-high-and-low oil prices would actually be in the first instance of it, and what a toll it would take right off the bat. We can see now that our first journey through the cycle took out the most fragile of the complex systems we depend on: capital finance. As a result, a huge amount of capital (say $14 trillion) has evaporated out of the system, never to be seen again (and never to be deployed for productive purposes). It will be harder for the USA to rebound from the grievous injury to this crucial part of the overall system, and Europe has foundered similarly -- though the European nations are not burdened to the same degree by the awful liabilities of suburbia.
Even if these advanced economies -- throw in Japan too -- remain moribund, the price and supply prospects for oil look ominous. My own guess is that the price of oil has overshot on the low end just as it overshot on the high end, and that, when all is said and done, we'll still see an upwardly trending price line over the long haul. The plunge, which began right after the $147 peak in July 2008, was as much the result of banks, hedge funds, and individuals dumping oil investments and positions to raise cash as it was a matter of the markets predicting a sharp fall-off in economic activity (and supposedly oil consumption). The truth is that demand destruction for oil in the USA has been surprising mild compared to the drop in price. Jim Hansen's Master Resource Report says that gasoline consumption dropped from 9.29 million barrels a day in 2007 to 8.99 million barrels a day for 2008. That's not much of a fall-off, especially compared to the price drop.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

OB's making plans......

Don't worry.
40 Reasons For Gun Control

40 Reasons for Gun Control

1. Banning guns works, which is why New York, DC, & Chicago cops need guns.

2. Washington DC's low murder rate of 69 per 100,000 is due to strict gun control, and Indianapolis' high murder rate of 9 per 100,000 is due to the lack of gun control.

3. Statistics showing high murder rates justify gun control but statistics showing increasing murder rates after gun control are "just statistics."

4. The Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban, both of which went into effect in 1994 are responsible for the decrease in violent crime rates, which have been declining since 1991.

5. We must get rid of guns because a deranged lunatic may go on a shooting spree at any time and anyone who would own a gun out of fear of such a lunatic is paranoid.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Damn that beer.........

THE IRATE NATION » Invention Of The Wheel

World History - As it Really Happened

Humans originally existed as members of small bands of nomadic hunters/gatherers. They lived on deer in the mountains during the summer and would go to the coast and live on fish and lobster in the winter.

The two most important events in all of history were the invention of beer and the invention of the wheel. The wheel was invented to get man to the beer. These were the foundation of modern civilization and together were the catalyst for the splitting of humanity into two distinct subgroups:

1. Liberals; and
2. Conservatives.

Once beer was discovered, it required grain and that was the beginning of agriculture. Neither the glass bottle nor aluminum can were invented yet, so while our early humans were sitting around waiting for them to be invented, they just stayed close to the brewery. That’s how villages were formed.

Some men spent their days tracking and killing animals to B-B-Q at night while they were drinking beer. This was the beginning of what is known as the Conservative movement.

Other men who were weaker and less skilled at hunting learned to live off the conservatives by showing up for the nightly B-B-Q’s and doing the sewing, fetching, and hair dressing. This was the beginning of the Liberal movement.

Some of these liberal men eventually evolved into women. The rest became known as girliemen.

Some noteworthy liberal achievements include the domestication of cats, the invention of group therapy, group hugs, and the concept of Democratic voting to decide how to divide the meat and beer that conservatives provided.

Over the years conservatives came to be symbolized by the largest, most powerful land animal on earth, the elephant. Liberals are symbolized by the jackass.

Modern liberals like imported beer (with lime added), but most prefer white wine or imported bottled water. They eat raw fish but like their beef well done. Sushi, tofu, and French food are standard liberal fare.

Another interesting evolutionary side note: most of their women have higher testosterone levels than their men. Most social workers, personal injury attorneys, journalists, dreamers in Hollywood and group therapists are liberals. Liberals invented the designated hitter rule because it wasn’t fair to make the pitcher also bat.

Conservatives drink domestic beer. They eat red meat and still provide for their women. Conservatives are big-game hunters, rodeo cowboys, lumberjacks, construction workers, firemen, medical doctors, police officers, corporate executives, athletes, Marines, and generally anyone who works productively. Conservatives who own companies hire other conservatives who want to work for a living.

Liberals produce little or nothing. They like to govern the producers and decide what to do with the production. Liberals believe Europeans are more enlightened than Americans. That is why most of the liberals remained in Europe when conservatives were coming to America. They crept in after the Wild West was tamed and created a business of trying to get more for nothing.

Here ends today’s lesson in world history:

It should be noted that a Liberal may have a momentary urge to angrily respond to the above before forwarding it. A Conservative will simply laugh and be so convinced of the absolute truth of this history that it will be forwarded immediately to other true believers and to more liberals just to piss them off.

Hat Tip > FLR

Thursday, January 01, 2009

This seems so unimportant now.....

OB will have to deal with his nut jobs worrying him over polar bears to dumb to get off icebergs. (yes, I know better but I like to stick these poor bastards.)

How do you bail out the arctic?

Happy New Year my ass.
The Hot Air of Climate Change, Part 1 - Scragged

1. Is the weather changing?

In the 1970s, as satellite technology and global communications began to be widely available, scientists noticed a disturbing trend: the Earth appeared to be getting cooler. Various conferences and symposia were convened to discuss the available evidence, which did indeed indicate cooling from about 1945 on. Eventually, this concern made it into the popular press, culminating in an April 28, 1975 Newsweek article, "The Cooling World." Other popular books and even songs on the subject appeared, reflecting the widespread concern.

Needless to say, these worries were entirely misplaced. We have not entered a new ice age; far from it. Today's worry du jour is the exact opposite, one of global warming.

It's easy to imagine that figuring out whether the earth is warming or not, should be fairly straightforward. After all, we all know how to use a thermometer, and they have been around for several hundred years, how hard can it be? It's not nearly that simple though.

For one thing, the location you are taking the temperature matters. I could prove any trend I please, if I'm allowed to cart around the thermometer in between measurements. Heck, if I took the temperature of the North Pole, and compared it to a 1945 measurement in Tahiti, I could conclusively prove that the Ice Age was already here. I could do the same thing even staying in one place - the top of Mt. Washington, NH - if I'm allowed to vary the time of year in between. Clearly, the only relevant measurements are ones where the reading has been taken in the same place for a long time, and on a regular basis over the course of the year.