According to the The Washington Times, it appears that Bush and the Republican Congress are selling us out on immigration. We"ll see. I think this is just a typical trial balloon sent out before November to get the base involved. We'll see how this plays out before getting too excited. I don't expect this to get through the Senate this year, let alone the House because of the coming elections.
The administration hired Tony Snow to suck up to the base, good move, but to little I'm afraid. Should be a lot of Democrats taking over next year as the (artificial) Republicans sell out there base. You can't spend money like drunken Democrats and expect a lot of support. You can't reward illegal behavior with out consequences. How ever, only the Dems can screw themselves out of electoral victory this year. I don't think it's inevitable but I'm a diehard optimist..
It's not rocket science to figure the end of this if you remember Bush senior pissing us off about taxes and leaving Saddam in power. The base rules in modern politics, even or especially if, you antagonize them. Take a look at the "Loony Left" bossing Gore and Kerry around. Hillary is defying them somewhat in public by being less shrill about our "taking over the world by Neo-cons". She could end up as Pres. by default.
Ain't life wonderful. See you in Laughlin, Nevada this weekend.
Tags: Bush, immigration, Congress, loony left, Michelle Malkin